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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Petit test en utilisation h24
  2. Hello, But with my foxconn, it is possible to mount the coeff. I have more screen with similar résults.
  3. Great prizes for this competition !!!
  4. Hi, The first gift is confirmed.
  5. Please come and register for the contest overclocking ;-)
  6. Hello everyone, I am here to tell you about our event which will include: - LAN: 250 players and more - Bench: 10 overclocking team (450L LN2) and free bench zone - Space for manufacturers - Space for computer sellers - Varied animations - Used Computer Exchange (26/09): about twenty stalls + A lot of visitors !!! For inscription or more information => http://pc-overware.be/index/bench-a-lan-party.html And forum : http://pc-overware.be/forum2/index.php/topic,3635.0.html Thks ! C3
  7. Sorry I did not realize that this is the max fsb ... Massman thank you for correcting my post ^^
  8. Sorry for your motherboard ... I still vmode my motherboard too, I hope it will grow even more ^^ My card is an Asus Ti 4600 V8460Ultra Deluxe (see picture of my oc) And my motherboard is an Asrock 4CoreDual SATA 2 with a QX9650...
  9. Looking for other vmode change my Ti4600, if one of you to help me ... Go Belgians, have to wake up, must post scores!
  10. add http://pc-overware.be/forum2/index.php/topic,2113.0.html thks ^^
  11. And if more than two participants per country ??? We cut pots...
  12. I find no logic to delet a score on assumptions! And I look forward to his future tests to prove his results ...
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