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Everything posted by Alriin

  1. ??? I dont consider me as a pro... i have no sponsors, no money and not the experience for a pro. hmmm... i dont know... is it good when we make a two-class society on HWbot?!?
  2. What`s a Pro? A Overclocker who bench for a Company (EVGA, Gigabyte,...)? A Overclocker who have Sponsors? A Overclocker who tests Hardware for an Website and bench them for HWbot? Or a Overclocker who have enough money to buy a lot of Hardware? When you split the League in Pro and Amateur, the People cry about Overclockers they have Testsamples for benching or People who have enough money. Next time the AMD-only Bencher want to split it in AMD and Intel, because they have no chance to beat them. Finally we have a Pro, a Semi-Pro, a Amateur, a AMD and a Intel-League. I dont like this idea. I hope you unterstand what i mean... sorry for my english. :-( "Rev 3 is a little bit unbalanced, but good." A little bit too much Points for Mainstream-Hardware. I bench an crappy Geforce 9800GX2 @air and stock voltage with an 980X @ln2 and become a lot of points for them. But my Global World Records in wPrime 3x Core Ranking (i test hardware and bench 2 or 3 weeks) are worthless. The awarding for popular hardware is a little bit overdone. A laughable 30th rank with a 7900GT, 8800GTX,... earned more points then a 1th rank with an cpu/gpu that is unpopular. I think this need more "fine tuning". And the Rule that each bench earned 0,1 Points, equal its rank 76 or 257, is not good. over again: sorry for my english! I hope you understand what i mean!?! greets Alriin (Michael)
  3. I dont like this idea. Rev 3 is a little bit unbalanced, but good. Please work on Rev 3 and foget this one!
  4. i think this result is also bugged.
  5. very very nice. And a beautiful Pot from Besi... i like it! ;-)
  6. Ok... sorry, i thought that the 6400+ BE also have a unlocked Multi.
  7. Ticket ID: 914 Priority: Medium As i read the Request from knopflerburce \"Please split Phenom II 550 into BE and non-BE\" i remember that my Athlon 64 6400+ X2 is also available in Black Edtion and Non-BE. Maybe we also can split this. ;-)
  8. I know... found him 1min ago. And i also found you in the ranking... let the battle begin. :-)
  9. Ticket ID: 913 Priority: High Please add Intel Celeron 900\r\n\r\nSpecifiaction: Intel Celeron 900 (2,2GHz)\r\nCodename: Penryn\r\nPackage: Socket P (478)\r\nTechnology: 45nm\r\n\r\nIts a Mobile-CPU with one Core, 200MHz Bus Speed, Muli 11, 800MHz FSB, 1MB L2 Cache and Revision R0.\r\n\r\nInfo from Wikipedia:\r\n * Note that 900 has also been used for three earlier models of Intel Celeron microproccessors with different microarchitechtures. DELETE THIS PLEASE. Found the Celeron 900 as a "Core 2" in the Hardware Specs... :-(
  10. This is a other Problem, Andre... ;-) Ist not a Rule but our "Gentlemen Aggreement" that no one submit Results with Hardware before each Bencher can buy this Hardware. No one can buy ES-CPUs legal!
  11. No, Andre! :-)
  12. Yes Hollywood, i think a lot of People they have no Money can compete with the top guys.... Malkav as one... or Hardware King Turrican. I am a Noob and i am on Global Position 77 because i have a little bit more Money and more madness :-) respectively i have a LN2-Dealer close to my Home. But i never had a chance against Malkav or Turrican when i sit on the same Setup and must bench it. ;-)
  13. I think it's not fair. So disallow them!
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