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Posts posted by Strunkenbold

  1. The situation is that the generations which are older than Geforce and Radeon are extremely bad supported by GPU-Z.

    We often dont know about Memory Size, Memory Bus, stock frequencys or overclocked frequencys. If there are any information shown at all.

    Some people know about that and use Rivatuner, Powerstrip or even 3DMark sysinfo. But none of them show any useful details which are necessary to pick the right category for the cards.

    So in the end we have a very difficult situation. Users dont know which card to select from our db and mods have therefore a hard time too making the right choice if things need to get moderated.

    The best solution would be to get GPU-Z in a working condition. But it doesnt look like the author does pay much attention to those old cards.


    So I found it extremely useful to download everest220 home edition. It is just a small 4Mb download and shows all we need.


    I would really vote for updating the rules for 3DMark01 and under and Aquamark and making everest mandatory on the verification screenshot.

    • Thanks 1
  2. The problem is, Ive seen many cards which have that smaller B5 chip and 8Mb but Ive never seen 16Mb with that small chip.


    They have some nice collection here:



    So atleast they claim those cards exists. But all LT have AGP 2x. Here at hwbot Ive seen only submissions which have AGP 4x which is actually wrong and has to be Vanta (non LT) cards, except this is a GPU-Z bug. Ive ordered a Vanta card now to looking into the issue.

  3. I see the single stage is working (again).


    The SS was actually the base for some very good scores for TeamCup. I just started it and it worked right away.

    For such old systems it is just a great toy.


    Thank you so much for this!




    updated the sub with the info


    I also have a K6 III+ 400 ATZ which works better under cold water than on the SS. Seems like Gumanoid has a very good one as it does 744Mhz with a SS.

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