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Everything posted by RoccoESA

  1. L042B074 #1192 5794 MHz on Air --> http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1607817 5804 MHz on Water ( MB-> defekt - Screen only http://www.abload.de/img/img_00385cy6.jpg )
  2. IFX14 & Scythe Ultra Kaze (3000rpm) & open Window & enormous quantities of Coffee (http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/members/roccoesa-albums-roccoesa-3855-picture70108-1.jpg)
  3. ich glaube, das Ergebnis ist doch ein bisschen zu hoch ... da ist 'ne "2" zu viel aber "checked by Moderator" ...
  4. wenn ich richtig hingeschaut hätt', hätte ich den Link auch im Screen gesehen - danke Stuwi für's Nachtragen
  5. sees good out is however unfortunately a error
  6. no - read the Post (which Massman says) and the 5970 are 2x5870GPU
  7. dual CF - not triple (WinXP) - see GPU-Z - change please the Categorie
  8. Did you start Wprime for the test? so Because i can`t see it @ Taskbar?
  9. wrong (pifast-)screen
  10. mobile GPU (MXM) on Desktop-Board (PCI-e)- as that can be done
  11. does not function with us http://hwbot.org/community/team/enthusiasts?tab=achievements and the ranking is not functionally can this check please
  12. you forget: Team spirit is the feeling of pride and loyalty that exists among the members of a team and that makes them want their team to do well or to be the best. TEAM = ALL Members
  13. 1 to 2 EUR in the month should have everyone remaining
  14. ... and back as "pocoloco" http://hwbot.org/community/user/pocoloco http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1055987_pocoloco_3dmark_2006_mobility_radeon_hd_3650_3446_marks is identically
  15. a simply possibility to avoid hw-sharing is the indication serial of the hardware (for example with a picture)
  16. I cannot understand - has which with the achievement overclocking to do - why gives points for this sorry 4 my bad english - i translate with babelfish
  17. and when can we(captain) do again calculate the Points for the members? or is this Function finally closed?
  18. when the functions of the administration are available for the Captains again (new calculation of the total points etc.)?
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