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Everything posted by Johnksss

  1. This is a BS score to get my Extreme ranking to show back up. This is in no way shape or form a real score.
  2. Whatever you did, it's working today.
  3. Possibly because your an admin on this site and the rest of us are peasants. Edit: I just tried about 20 different edits and it still won't take.
  4. http://hwbot.org/submission/3711409_johnksss_pcmark_7_core_i7_5960x_8500_marks?recalculate=true Now if I change that score to like 8590, then it becomes invalid and the validation link stops working.
  5. It is also noted that the URL does work if you use the "S" or not, but that is not the problem. The problem is once you post a score that resides in the top 10, the URL is (Allegedly) then broken and the result becomes invalid.
  6. Question here... Who is in charge of this? And how do I go about getting it validated? Thanks. CPU-Z VALIDATOR
  7. I'm about to move all my images from one host to another. So before you go and delete my scores can you at least contact me first before just removing them. Or... Are all my current images safely stored on your servers? Thanks.
  8. Alright. No worries....
  9. http://hwbot.org/news/important_screenshot_verification_mandatory_for_all_submissions My submission was before the screen shot verification lets go back and edit all submissions like there were submitted yesterday rule. Are you trying to be funny or something?
  10. It states exactly what the gpu is at the bottom of the gpuz screen. Nvidia Geforce 6200 Turbocache So that was probably not a good question to ask....
  11. Don't think it was that big of a deal in 2010
  12. http://hwbot.org/submission/959462_johnksss_3dmark03_geforce_6200_turbocache_128_(ddr2_64bit)_3729_marks GPUZ was in the screenshot. And at the bottom is shows what the card is.
  13. Ah Thanks SniperOZ! I need to quit half stepping and break out the ln2 pot. lol
  14. Yes, but it was still slow before it turned into a crawl. Any time frame on when it will be fixed?
  15. You know this is a bugged run right Terry.
  16. Thanks sniperoz! It's been a long time, that's for sure. lol
  17. Wrong category. You are running SLI and this is single. Thanks.
  18. Can I get mine changed to johnksss from johnksss@say-it-loud.com? Thanks
  19. Also the motherboard Alienware M18 or Alienware M18X R3 We also need this added to the Motherboard list. Thanks. Brother Fox, set the correct name for the Board.
  20. Yes, lets getting going on this!
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