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Everything posted by Johnksss

  1. You are clearly in the wrong section. LOL
  2. Yes, something is different about this version. I scores 10,000 points less than the standard version.
  3. You're in the wrong section my friend. This is the mobile gpu section. Thanks.
  4. dude, are you serious. i like posted it 3 minutes ago and noticed it was wrong. please at least wait 5 minutes before saying something. thanks!
  5. Thanks guys! Couldn't have improved with out the Chispy guidance!
  6. true. so why the complaining about only having it for 30 seconds.. if one wants to gloat...then they had better make it a damn good one. so why should someone be obligated to post the second they run it? and considering it takes for ever and a day to submit some times. that they get put on the back burner... if i already have the high score...why do i need to post anything higher? because some one else says so? that's a bit ridiculous. then i can only post once every 48 hrs? then people would have a ton of backs ups. but, people do that all the time..."oh, i got a higher run but i have to find it and post it (when all along they are just sitting on it or them)" is this not the same thing? not here to make waves...just throwing a few things out there.
  7. it just means...your score you cheered and jumped for joy and gave big high fives around was really....not the top dog score. so if you put up a wr score today, but i havent submitted one i had for 5 days...and decide to put it up now.. 1: is that a backup? 2: or your cheering a wr you never really had to begin with (which becomes a whole nother story) since mine is dated 5 days before yours? just asking questions here...
  8. all this money on cards and all you have is a 20L dewar???????????? so you were in the comfort zone and ran out of ln2? oh man, that sucks...lol great score!
  9. i dont have that card any more...but i need to go grab another one....
  10. not sure how weak that is, but... myself, q56,threedhero,sniper and reggiesanchez have all moved on to the next stepping stone in the world of serious benching.
  11. it was because i wasn't even submitting it in the right place...lol under competitions
  12. how come i dont see my submission?
  13. yes i would agree. of course. i was just..venting is all.. not trying to give staff a hard time..
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