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Posts posted by pro

  1. Yeah but rbuass you have NO tweaking ability, that's why you want it gone


    Tweaking is a huge part of overclocking, try getting a 01 wr without tweaks


    I can understand why hardware guys want PCM gone, just like software guys want wprime gone

  2. I completely agree with this


    Since some time ago ALL ( include me) are ruining this benchmark, the results today can not give valid comparisons by the hardware used.



    yeah thats for sure, i played a big role in this too,


    BUT my personal opinion is as long as its within the rules, what we know as a traditional tweak, not modifying anything in the benchmark, not tricking the benchmark into thinking its faster than it is, i think its fine,


    and it is great to have a benchmark where the software guys can really sink their teeth in and compete on a global level, thats a great thing,


    we just need to clean things up a little and this can be a thriving benchmark

  3. The Tweaks i know i have told to Chris. But i dont know 180k TW, 300mill MA.

    For Web page i did the same i told to Chris, but 30% i score more only with some OS Tweaks;)


    I'm fairly sure the high TW is where that inaccurate timing may be coming from, but in the other hand it might be totally legitimate, hopefully a hwbot moderator can work with him just to confirm everything is above board


    For example, in the past when everyone was at 60k TW I posted a 100k, gluc thought I posted a 1million and quickly responded with a 600000 TW or something CRAZY, and said something like wow a million I can only get this


    When He realized I only had 100k it disappeared and we haven't seem it since

  4. If your replacing any files to get high text edit or any score in any benchmark your CHEATING


    C'mon guys no rules need to be published to know this, this is benching 101, if someone replaced a texture file in 3dmark so it didn't render there would be an outrage, same thing, don't do it AND if you have done it, pull those scores down now


    Don't ruin this benchmark for everyone, stay within the rules


    Speaking of rules, glucuvio I like you man but why does your 114k orb link say time measuring inaccurate, looks very bad for you dude, I already spoke to you in the past that I thought you were doing something dodgy and that proves my suspicion


    I'd take that score down very quickly if I were you dude

  5. wait DV video,haha,so everyone relax




    can't wait to get a lesson from another shyte-bag about how to bench :banana: his special timings and other idiotic excuses why he cheated and got booted out


    we cant wait to see the video of John Lam doing 4way crossfire running 1780/2020 water chilled with full tessellation on getting 32K in 3DMARK11 with one day's preparation. I believe there was some talk of using 1.35vcore on GPUs also right LOL


    Soooooooooooooooooooooo excited to see that one :D. BTW we tested 10x 7970 GPUs with GHz core and not a SINGLE card could do that let alone in 4WAY :celebration:. Im talking tessalation off, max volts, shitload of LN2 and days to get it right.....

  6. Hahaha that's so funny, I've bitten my tongue long enough


    I guess when John Lam said on Facebook he's teaching Edison to tweak 01 he wasn't joking, oh it was probably ms ram drive that no overclocker can compile right, I did compile it and ran pifast 100 times and never saw any desktop screenshots half cut off


    you couldn't tweak a nipple, no one believes that shit

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