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Posts posted by pro

  1. my light OSes i used to use in the past dont install properly, gives me some error that it cant configure with hardware but with a full OS no drama... i guess im yanking something out of the OS it needs but you are seeing this on full OS?

  2. Quality over quantity


    I really think if anything there are already too many benchmarks, I think in hardware leagues more benchmarks make sense


    In pro/oc league I think having the highest quality results possible is important, sometimes a single result can take two weeks to do properly, personally I'd rather see less benchmarks but higher quality results and competition


    Bruce I think lots of people would be very sad if 01/32 ever disappeared, myself included

  3. well it was worth a shot - RST added to the too hard basket :celebration:


    put that too hard basket ish away, the mods here put in huge hours giving you a clean/fun environment to bench, if they thought for a second by spending months cleaning up the db they could make things fairer these guys would do it,


    one of the key issues here is all the guys that have put up submissions under the current standing rules, put up a score, knowing they are within the rules, knowing it wont be taken down in 12/18 months time, this is where things get complicated,


    this is one of the key reasons rst/raid xpert will stay allowed and only sector size changes will be outlawed, sure some of these guys might have used sector size changes and they will be removed


    there is one key difference between sector size changes and rst using some ram caching and thats the whole benchmark speed perception issue, ram caching isnt decieving anything, its a real world speed, but its something we have long outlawed due to it out weighting hardware we want to shine throught in these rankings,


    changing the sector size is decieving pcmark, as its poorly written and not designed to deal with those changes, its the equivalent of changing the basketball hoop from regulation size to 2 foot high


    it seems we are argueing removing rst just for the sake of it, sure it goes against a long outlined pcmark rule of "no ram disk" but it isnt and hasnt been a problem, life isnt one straight line dude, sometimes different decisions are required that will achieve a similar or even better outcome


    for me personally and totally isolated from my hwbot decision making, pcmark without rst would be boring now, its a great little twist that adds some compexity into anyones rig wanting to push for high pcmark points

  4. understanding a press release will be put together in the next few days i look forward to clarification on the official read on how hwbot see tricking benchmarks into giving a score that’s not real fits with software caching in pcm moving forward.


    dude i have taken your comments on board, along with every elses, you need to understand that sometimes the rules/decisions arnt just clean cut, this is a very complex decision on something that has long been allowed,


    in an ideal world we would ban all RST submissions using memory caching but how about while were at it lets remove changing visual quality settings in drivers, LOD, run order in 3dmark01, the 3dmark01 tweak used in z77 bios, as these are all things that change the perception of the benchmark end result, some we would probably remove now if we could, some would stay,


    plus what about all the users have submitted scores that have been seen as totally legitimate for the past 12-18 months, this is a totally difference issue than these so called "super-tweaks" as are plain and simply cheats, the moderators of hwbot believe this is the fairest and best compromise to go forward,


    i dont want to hear that talk about how allowing RST is taking harddrives out of the equation, how? virusscan is still the domain of areca/raid controllers, if we have the same setup, we both have dual ssd for virusscan, and i have a areca for my general access? who do think is winning, me and by a reasonable margin


    if anything allowing RST brings hdd more into play since you need at last 2 marvell ssd, aswell as an areca controller w/ cache and some sort of acard attached to that, its now more storage hungrg

  5. As for not affecting existing results i thought heaps of results had already been deleted either due to F2D or RST or other cheat/hacks etc why not continue the purge.


    your dead right on this one, but i think the key difference is those things are breaking fundamental hwbot rules, where as RST has been accepted in the past,


    i think everyone needs to understand there is no rule change here, its simply rule enforcement and in some tricky cases where things might fall between rules, clarification of rules


    take this sector size for example, by changing the sector size you are tricking the benchmark into giving a score thats not real, changing the percieved speed of the benchmark

  6. Everyone is never going to be happy, facts of life


    Intel RST has long been allowed and AMD raid xpert is its equivalent from another vendor


    Other software caching programs have long been banned


    You think it's a nightmare to moderate rst? Try going back through the entire pcmark results and removing all the submissions using RST? Plus all the people using it for over a year and now their results being removed


    Similar to Lod this might not be the ideal situation but we think it's the best taking in all the factors


    We want a level playing field in the future without impacting existing scores in our ranking, no one said moderation would be easy, it won't, but people know now if there result is out of line they will be asked to explain it, so try it on and see what happens


    Blatantly breaking hwbot rules won't just result in submission removal

  7. as ive previously said Moose, making proper decisions can take time, and even if it takes 6 months, we are going to take the time rather than make the wrong decision,


    i can give some insight into the current thinking of staff, but this is not finalized and could change as per our final announcement, but the current thinking is,


    rst/raid xpert allowed, sector size changes not allowed, if you have overly high looking hdd scores then you may asked to demonstrate how its possible and it will be your responsibility to prove its legal


    EDIT: Didn't realize I was logged into our team.au account, this is pro

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