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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. Highgertz don't worry friend, if you can on me and tell me how I can replicate your TW we can unblock your score Everyone has the chance to prove there scores are within hwbot rules in a confidential manner, if you have found a great tweak we will not share it
  2. we are making decisions on sector sizes, RST and raid xpert right now official announcement as soon as we make decision, lots of factors to consider, i think its better to take a few days and make the right decision than regret it in a month
  3. Stop bickering like kids, seriously, if you want to bitch create another thread
  4. i generally just use 640, no i didnt actually see any difference in any value but will try push ram to the edge and see if i can replicate that dinos22
  5. we are discussing the raid xpert stuff, for now its allowed but chances are it will be disallowed for future if raid xpert wasn't used and high virusscan/hdd we will be looking at it as requiring audit this will not impact any past competitions, the competition rankings and prizes from them will stand
  6. okay guys, between the mods we have brought the WR back to acceptable levels, but we are still auditing scores as we go i am really disappointed that some people are still submitting and ignore what we have said about rule revisions, this isnt a game, keep violating the rules blatantly and you will receive more than blocked results
  7. moose im removing all my scores back to 40k, i cant delete some and need to ask other moderators, as i previously said, clarified enough for you? its registry + scripting btw, i never used flash desktop
  8. oh and of course, the ie9 css is not allowed, there is really no difference between replacing the web files and doing that CSS, the benchmark is no longer rendering the data that it was designed to render, hence skewing the results, so just to clarify IE9 CSS is not allowed
  9. registry tweaks are always allowed by default, thats the general unwritten rule, but some have been deemed to be disallowed over the years because they decieve the benchmark too much, such as mipmap i think we need to be understanding here, there can be no clear cut, one size fits all rule for benchmarking, there will always be anomolies, lets take LOD for example, registry based or file based in the latest nvidia drivers, it DOES impact the visuals of the benchmark and does impact the end score, but it has been universally acccepted as OK, this transparent window test, the whole point of the test is to see how fast those windows move across the screen, so by resizing or minimizing the windows you are decieving the benchmark and it does have a significant impact on the score, hence this is disallowed i think we need to keep in perspective here, like any "sport", rules arnt just there to set a solid line that can NEVER be changed, rules are also there to be changed over the lifetime of the sport to keep things fair for all involved, mate you have proven my point, by making that list of what is allowed/disallowed and answering nearly everything correctly, most benchers are smart, they can work out if something is allowed in the benchmark based on the two key rules, if not, we will be here to answer grey areas, but please don't expect instant answers, we/i want to do this right and at times that will mean lengthy discussions between hwbot staff
  10. customs probably have yours now and are waiting for a $300 bribe to release it LOL
  11. Steve what you were doing was the same as me and many others but theres no doubt that it's secirving the benchmark into giving a higher score by minimizing the windows I know for a fact that there are much nastier TW window tweaks but it is outside hwbot general rules do it must be removed Just do you guys know we will target the big obvious things first and progressively make our way down, but if you feel your own score is out of line save us the trouble and remove yourself
  12. yeah i think ethics goes a long way to resolving this
  13. iometer is fine, slowing down XP startup is a hwbot requirement and this isnt enhancing your startup in any way, i think this is a totally acceptable action
  14. okay guys let me weigh in on this, my position firstly im waiting for all my scores to be removed and i will not submit pcmark scores to hwbot anymore, most of my scores feature totally legitimate tweaks, some scores have things like transparent windows with resized windows that we have worked out is not allowed. the main reason i am removing my scores is so i can stay objective in decision making and no one thinks that i am using their tweaks against them... and just to clarify im not using any tweaks that are replacing benchmark files, so if your doing that, your doing it wrong ill always bench pcm05 privately though as i love the benchmark why keep pcm05? for those that are saying "get rid of pcm05", we are basically at that point and i am sure if this doesnt work then that is what will happen, but there are lots of reasons to keep this benchmark, for example, we have guys like Steve and Aristides that are always strong in this bench and are getting beaten by tweaks that they are not comfortable using and rightly so, this benchmark has a place and is a source of enjoyment for lots of people, so i believe we should have a proper effort to try and fix it up before abandoning it please be patient now guys i see lots of people saying, whys this not banned, why is mine banned and not his, etc, please be patient, this will takes weeks, months, and will be ongoing, but it is no different than any other benchmark, other than the fact it has gone unchecked for so long.. if this happened in 3dmark11 it would be immediately checked and in the future pcmark05 will be the same what is allowed and whats not? lets get something cleared up, a cheat is not a super-tweak, i WOULD call bobs TW a supertweak, i would call replacing codecs in a benchmark cheating, if it pleases you, then call it a super-cheat, whatever, but if its outside the rules its not a tweak, and i am just as much to blame for things like TW window resizing as anyone else benching PCM, now lets get onto the juicy stuff, whats allowed and whats not, this is extremely simple, lets go back to two very basic hwbot rules, 1. "Using software, performing hardware modifications or by human interaction altering the perceived speed of the benchmark program, tricking it to believe it ran faster and thus producing a better result. (adjusted 31st of August 2010)" 2. not modifying the benchmark itself Yes d3d, video encoding via registry or powertoy and LOD go against these rules, BUT they have been used and accepted as officially OK, unless staff have specifically said something is allowed that goes against HWBOTs general rules then it is NOT allowed if what you are doing in pcmark05 goes against one of those 2 rules, remove it now. staff will be contacting users with out of line submissions asking for proof on how to replicate them within the rules, if you are worried you cant provide that proof, remove your score now or it will be removed for you use your brain guys, if you know something is not right, 2400MB/s virusscan on a weak AMD platform, then its probably not right, this is the ethical side of hwbot we can't enforce but hope is in place Key areas we are targeting to start with Some of the key areas we will be targeting, but not limited to: Video encoding replacement, audio encoding Irregularly large trans windows Irregularly large memory latency Massive browser scores Anything out of line with file decoding Crazy virusscans or hdd general What is OK I am not going to go through every tweak and say its ok or its not ok, thats what the general rules are for and they cover alot of the "super tweaks", but not all, FD2 as a program is totally allowed, but using it to manipulate the window size or minimize windows is not allowed, similarly using a script to do this is not allowed as it breaks the "benchmark percieved speed rule" BUT as with any benchmark, if you can do it via control panel such as personalization or registry then it SHOULD be allowed, but there are always exceptions to the rule such as MIPMAP and in the future there might be other exceptions, but this is the current position, there is no one rule fits all model so take TW for example, if you can make the windows really small and change the text type in control panel then that is legal, SCRIPTS ARE LEGAL, i use scripts in nearly every benchmark, but to do things like control cpu clock, change gpu clocks on the fly, and to change things like the drives for different harddrive during PCMARK, that is all OK Using a script to do something that goes against the general rules is NOT ok. For example replacing a file that the benchmark uses to make TE go faster, NOT OK. Things like codecs can be tricky, as microsoft may update them or another program installed for watching videos may influence the scores, this is not the case in PCM05, if you are putting codecs specially in the pcm05 directory or replacing codecs that pcm05 installs, this is definatly NOT OK, i think that is common sense also forcing pcm05 to look in a folder it doesnt normally so it uses your codec, not OK, again common sense, guys you get the drift right? if it breaks hwbot general rules then it is NOT OK Raid XPERT Still up in the air is raid xpert, we are discussing the outcome of this one right now, there and positives and negatives to both sides of the fence and we need to make sure everything is worked out properly Massman said it was allowed, but now that we are aware that their is some bugging going on, we are reviewing it. We don't want peoples expensive raid setups obsoleted by a bugged software, Fairness This is not a witch hunt, everyone will be given the oppurtunity to prove their tweak is fair in a confidential environment. If you tweak is legitimate, it won't be shared, it will be approved and you can continue using it privately if you so wish. If you choose to not share the tweak with staff and your score looks out of line then it will be removed. Lets hope we can clean the benchmark up once and for all, remember guys, please use your brain, we dont want to remove scores, so please do it yourself if you know they go against rules
  15. well done man. very nice GPU. love the vmem clocks! Awesome CPU too dude what board did you use? dinos22
  16. i send another email to follow up. last time i heard they put the orders through the system for the parts but maybe there was a little hiccup somewhere... dinos22
  17. guys you are overdoing it just a quick coat of vas everywhere other than PCIe and RAM slots and do the back paper towels or toilet paper around the CPU socket and between PCIe slots then just make sure the cold air doesnt fall back down on the rig as you bench and you are set to go
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