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dejan_bin_laden's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Any board from that series, thank you EU, Croatia Dejan +385 98 783 647
  2. Hey guys same thing happened today, E5800 and Rampage Formula on SS, when using setfsb to go over post +10mhz it shows lower multiplier higher i get, how come this wasnt sorted in 2024 ? Any advice on this use case ? dejan EDIT: Question: Can I use an older CPUZ version on legacy hardware? Answer: Yes, HWBOT recognises that on LGA1156 and older hardware newer CPU versions can lead to wrong multiplier detection and even BSODs while just opening CPUZ. Therefore scores are allowed on these Legacy platforms with CPUZ version1.59 or CPUZ version 1.77 I found the answer in FAQ lol, will try tommorow thank you
  3. hey man whats the voltage on that memory (i have it just asking) ?
  4. great score!!! whats the voltage on the dominators ?
  5. congrats, but why not complete desktop screenshot ?
  6. vince carter "its over" slam dunk !? :D
  7. hey man congrats on first place, where can i get this bios to try ?
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