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Everything posted by e-Killer

  1. Please Clarify if in 3DMark01 is allowed to run multi-videocards.
  2. lol look at the Spam bot name hahahaha EPic!
  3. ahaha that why my chip (CB less) became CB at -14x and after couple hours it died mmmm
  4. just use prt screen and paste in paint
  5. Impressive score try with your other card... ohhhhh
  6. does the eraser dick help you in overclocking?
  7. Andre-Jan Plaisier
  8. Yes ill join the club, i dont want bother again if anyone has a golden chips, or have a golden VGA + Supreme mods on it, i only want to be fun with the hw that i own or i can afford.
  9. amazing clocks on VGA, wich mods on that?
  10. http://hwbot.org/community/user/jtchen2002?tab=profile I Just Noticed this guy grab some WR on 2D Benchmarks, he doesnt participate in Rankings , mmm he is using R3E and Incredible B1 ES. I dont want to start a heavy discussion here but for me this guys maybe is recent banned menber and i think everyone can bet who Is. Please check this ...
  11. yes i have corsair dominator gtx3 but the mb doesnt like high freq memory. ill try i next couple days lower the multi to 33 and raise bclk ^^
  12. I dont know Why, the rules where updated without advice to the contestants, actually the actual rules dont match with each other. For example # Top 2 of both categories are awarded # You’re allowed to participate in both category, in case that top winner of both categories are the same person who will be considered as top winner of non-Extreme, and then 2 winner of Extreme will be considered 1st winner of Extreme. So this Rules is against the others? "1st winner of 2 stages will team up for MOA 2010 Taiwan" (So for what explain if you win both and bla bla bla if after all the Points will be count and the person who earn more points in both stages) I hope MSI fix this misunderstanding. I take some SS Today of the actual rules for the records.
  13. Buena, excelente han derrotado a todos con un laptop!!! Saludos desde Colombia
  14. Siox para evitarse que cuando finalize la competencia y estes entre los ganadores puedes subir un video mostrando tu sistema de refrigeracion y el pc corriendo mientras estas logrando el OC. Recuerda que es una marca por aire asi que los organizadores podran exigirte despues de finalizado el concurso mas pruebas, asi que seria bueno que lo hicieras antes de entrar en polemicas. Un saludo y excelente score...
  15. no he used Paint for make that green line. i think yes only solder a wire, i gonna test this in couple hours
  16. WOW Amazing score for that CPU on that tiny MotherBoard!!
  17. here is the wallpaper guys
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