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El Gappo

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Everything posted by El Gappo

  1. http://hwbot.org/submission/2198281_guerreiro215_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_dx11_geforce_gtx_580_2436.2_dx11_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2200810_gnidaol_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_dx11_geforce_gtx_580_2441.36_dx11_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2196379_nuccini_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_dx11_geforce_gtx_580_2195.91_dx11_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2200662_rbuass_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_dx11_geforce_gtx_580_2499.79_dx11_marks http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/8135/uniginess1gg.png http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/5797/uniginess2gg.png Why change backgrounds and icons to avoid detection Rbuass? http://hwbot.org/submission/2193014_rbuass_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_dx11_geforce_gtx_580_2440.74_dx11_marks
  2. Oh get real ffs. This is not discrimination, you are just getting very defensive and trying to make me look like a dick, I'm only asking questions. There have been threads like this about members from many other teams including pure and oca in the past too, you aren't the first, you wont be the last. Maybe you should do a hwbot rules lessons at your next "OC class" Also the links broke and doesn't prove a thing, nor does the other thread or the video.
  3. Why are you bringing up overheats i5 650 results again? It holds no relevance to the i5 670 es scores I was questioning, his scores are not better than yours. Apart from that I understood literally none of that post... Are they all benching the 670's at the same time in this video? Is it relevant at all? Eh, show a video of the 2x 2600k's @ 5666mhz since you bench side by side all the time copying settings. A pic of the 4 es 670's too and I'll shut up
  4. Do the pics show 4 different ES i5 670's? If not don't really know why you're mentioning it. All benched on a 3way, all very similar timmings, speeds, voltages, your valid even say's Fabi on it lol?.. http://hwbot.org/submission/966827_rbuass_cpu_frequency_core_i5_670_6679.19_mhz Do you see how suspicious it looks when you and fabi upload a result with the same ram timings and a cpu frequency not 6mhz apart only you dropped the multi? http://hwbot.org/submission/2203772_fabi_pifast_core_i7_2600k_12.97_sec http://hwbot.org/submission/2125354_rbuass_pifast_core_i7_2600k_12.72_sec What happened to you 2 merging accounts after this same story with 5870 benching? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2122983_fabi_aquamark_radeon_hd_5870_443828_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2128363_zerobsb_aquamark_radeon_hd_5870_443262_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2122557_rbuass_aquamark_radeon_hd_5870_448647_marks This is not a discriminate against brazilians thing, this is a please explain these very similar scores please thing.
  5. Lets have some 2d fun shall we? Just looking at the team rankings is hilarious http://hwbot.org/team/i2i3_impacta_overclocking_team/#Hardware_Library A lot of es i5 670's and 56 2600k's floating around in Brazil huh. Oh and http://hwbot.org/submission/2202712_joe90br_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_580_156136_marks for extra lulz.
  6. Well... tessellation is low ( AMD optimized ) by default so what exactly is legit? Are hwbot going along with this and removing all old dx11 amd records?
  7. They should just not send stuff out, mods should be done there.
  8. Still something funny with that 3850 and 6550 category. Still awaiting calculation after a week on this one lol http://hwbot.org/submission/2203344_el_gappo_ucbench_2011_a8_3850_914.8_mpt_score Irons score has only 1.5 points so it's there in some way.
  9. That UCbench is bugged submission, every time I submitted it thought it was unigine. Hence the checksum
  10. My A75MA-G55 came sealed, but with the 1.2 bios on it which I thought was strange. Would be surprised if 1.0 is much worse than 1.2 because it's total tosh.
  11. The Stilt... What a boss.
  12. Kewl Whoa woa woa, who's the president?
  13. Half the difficulty of this challenge seemed to be keeping the boards alive, Gigabyte who has the most functional A75 challenge Was a fun comp if not a little frustrating, don't know if I would of passed your 3D scores if the board was working properly. If you had an ssd you'd of won
  14. This was on the baked board, 15 minutes at gas mark 4 and it works but throttles in 3d benches, seems to be in sigle channel also. -130 was the sweetspot.
  15. That sucks man Think it's the cold that kills it. Has the fet actually blown or have you just lost power like I did? Mine worked after baking, but not for 3d.
  16. Got it running in the biostar, it's the board Doubt I can get a new one in the morning.
  17. The only fireworks coming from me right now are from my hardware, had about 2 minutes on Ln2 at the settings and I've been running all week on phase, pffft dead cpu. Massive waste of money that was. No signs of wet anywhere, really don't know what's gone on.
  18. And I would of gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling Belgium. Nice work Iron
  19. The drivers off the site worked fine for me, am having issues with some installs tho, know how you feel lol.
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