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Everything posted by TiN

  1. I can help, if needed, just drop pm
  2. Beforce GF FX era and later Quadros was same, and used same reference PCB as GF. First ES geforce3 and geforce4's was markes as NV20GL/NV25GL (GL - mean pro version , quadro ones) with GF bios-es.
  3. Just one suggestion: Make please better wallpaper, than it was on CCup Make it pleasant for eye, not that ugly stuff before
  4. The Quadro 4 family +1 to this question. Have some
  5. Congrats mate! You should thank SLI mod authors sveetsnelda and anatolymic for this result possible
  6. Intel DH55HC or Hunter Cove Intel DH55TC or Tom Cove ASRock H55M Pro http://www.3dnews.ru/_imgdata/img/2009/11/26/151141.jpg ASRock H55M http://www.3dnews.ru/_imgdata/img/2009/11/26/151143.jpg ASRock H55DE3 http://www.3dnews.ru/_imgdata/img/2009/11/26/151142.jpg H57 MSI H57-ED65 Also add Q55, B55 and so on chipsets
  7. Ticket ID: 734 Priority: Low http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/products/graphics_cards/parhelia/parheliaapve/\r\n\r\nMatrox PH-E128APVF*\r\n\r\nWill capture GPU-Z tomorrow.
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