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Everything posted by TiN

  1. Me too, lol 275 with 3540 both ln2 http://www.livestream.com/xtremelabsorg
  2. Pity, that Vince don't make any rig photos to scores Congratz! And bring teh stream back :]
  3. PEG_RBIAS present on 1366 platform too, but related to IOH. If anybody want try I can show Tylersburg chipsets have PE0RBIAS (ball AN34), PE1RBIAS (ball AN13). these are hooked to GND with same 750ohm resistor. But coz 1366 IOH is extra chip, not part of CPU package it may not be related to CB/CBB's.
  4. Thanks, people. But how can I edit result? No edit button Wanna change Stock cooling to LN2, rofl. Forgot to put in a hurry.
  5. Same question. Just normal ES chips, not cherry picked ubermosters. I have 8800GTX score with Xeon 3470ES reported by proste71, he claims that regular ES is not allowed
  6. and please , bring back scrolling down details of each bench result in rankings. Not to open new page and reload all design and stuff to just browse what CPU was used .
  7. Btw, Massman, why nothing stated in rules about awards for winners? Almost none of small competitions have even a word about rewards I mean not 10000$ prizes, but simple things like trophy or cup for first TOP5 members. This will get more people , competitive idea, battle for trophy , you know. Not only just for geeks who can mess with ancient videocards.
  8. Bug on script which shows big submission pics (screenshot/photos etc) with Opera 10 browser. When hit pic - all browser screed fade dark and nothing happen. Leftclick - exits, and back to normal. Again click on pic - box appear, sizing more, and shows content okay. With IE6.0 everything ok from first try. On Rev2 with same browser everything was ok too.
  9. http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce4_ti_4400 lol http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=526256 another buggy stuff.
  10. And also on head page rankings, those which: in rev2 links in scores linked to rank table, which was very comfortable. Now you need to click 5 times, to get TOP scores tables on every benchmark. Also same with hardware rankings. Earlier we had short description of result rolling down from selected result, now we get full page reload with all site template and so on. This ISN'T better, less usable and less comfortable for those who spend lot of lifetime on hwbot. Same with verification urls and pics, they are under another tab now, to get there you need again full page reload. That's worse, less usable. I understand (maybe) way why admins made this "improvements", page reload will give more hits for ads and stuff, but for usability and user interface it's much bad. I don't care about more traffic, don't care to wait few seconds more , so it's just bad usability complain.
  11. Nobody from "regular" people have any Fermi cards. So only guess that Fermi will faster or slower than 5970. Also ATI have room there for some 5890, they haven't maxed out PCB design even yet, and have reserved space for extra VRM channels. But, why I'm talking this stuff, you should better know by yourself, dear engineer Or you have already few, Hipro5?
  12. Another bug Just uploaded Maxmem result, but it's not stated Happy 2010 to everybody, and thanks HWBot Crew for good gift for NY! We appreciate Made with freezelight on 29.DEC night (3 AM ) with photocam. No photoshop http://www.xdevs.com/images/ny2010/25.jpg
  13. Wow, new posts appear faster that we can read old ones. I'd suggest interesting experiment - to make ALL points invisible 99.9% of complaint just about numbers, but not skills and hardwork to get top result. That's why nobody from top rankings blame here. I'd closed thread and move all complaints to another thread, and bugreports/fixed left here.
  14. romdominance When more people bench with multiGPU, member A will be more awarded than member B. There is flaws in new design, but nothing ideal in this world. Teammate B can make example in contradict to you like: B benched 285 with LN2 on LN2 i7 920 rig, burned away two 285's with wrong voltmods and condensate, and member A just bought stock GTX295, install with bigbucks Core i7 980X run single time everything on stock and got rewards, and B is just 250' places far from cool guy A
  15. First of all, I like new rev3. Yes, I lost points, and my team lost points quite noticeaby. But I like new ideas, and as my teammate said - Idea of competition on bot is more close to the idea of overclocking with new rev. And now Bug report Wrecked positioning for old profile page (tested with IE7,Opera10). Maybe better drop old profile view? New design was a while ago already, and people get used. Also all important functional stuff exist in new tabs already. Problem with cyrillic letters. Was exist in rev2 too. E.G. submit with russian-named screenshot name get "Crap error" , same with cyrillic letters in description. Not a big deal, but still, sometimes boring. Need updated rules article --------------/end of bugreport Idea: as was stated earlier maybe worth add bit more linearity for first TOP10 of hardware stuff. Or better reward top 10% of hardware category submission. Currenty there is no much sense benching even popular graphics without anything except LN2 and top fast CPU's. Or maybe lower popularity level to less users. There are not much popular (in term of hwbot ranks) hardware with current level. + I would add Global ranking for 1 GPU Global ranking for 2 GPU Global ranking for 3 GPU Global ranking for 4 GPU as was stated by BenchBros. It's nice to have ranks for x GPU to compare stuff and maybe add chilled cooling type. I'd consider all sub-zero chilled stuff here, like aircooling openair stand in winter, liquid chiller with ice from fridge, liquid chilled with glycol/alcohol frozen by AC unit and so on. ---- And as for complaint. People argue to death,but why nobody notice, that benching popular hardware (or unpopular, no matter) CANT HELP to be on overclocking league TOP (or to be at least 50th) AT ALL. Coz 300hwboint limit. Even if somebody benched E6600 with 8800GTX and get 1000000 points for it, this is nothing to overclocking league, where people do WR's and sleep with LN2 dewar! And question for admins. On testserver we had more points (>20k for TOP3 teams afaik), and people had more too, than last days testserver and mainserver now. Change to algorithm. I missed this someway, please describe.
  16. Thanks a lot, I will continue now Good luck with fixin all that bugs on hwbot engine Turrican, just want gold badly :-D. I'm electronics engineer, so messing with chips and solder is my beloved hobby and work at same time.
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