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Everything posted by rebelion

  1. So the best way it´s delete the older submisions and upload it again? OK, no problem! Thanks
  2. Hi guys. I´ve submited several scores with a wrong picture system. When i edited the pictures the system has change the scores with another one from another benchmark (the last i have submited). These are the links: http://hwbot.org/submission/2232398_rebelion_3dmark06_radeon_hd_6550d_539.38_marks?recalculate=true http://hwbot.org/submission/2232397_rebelion_3dmark03_radeon_hd_6550d_539.38_marks?recalculate=true What should i do??
  3. Hi guys. I think that the specs of this APU are wrong. This unit has 3 Llano cores, not 4. Best!
  4. I´m agree with flanker because not everybody know how to do that tweak. Lot of people who read the reviews don´t want to touch their system, so if you don´t tweak this key everybody will see the real performance with a retail OS. Did you tweak your system in the same way for reviews and for overclocking??? that´s the point i think. But you did a really good job OBR! See you guys!
  5. Thank you Turrican
  6. Hi guys, can you add this CPU? These are the details (stock): http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2025805 Thank you!!!
  7. Now i understand better your first post Christian. Thats not the correct policy about a RMA IMO. Good luck with this fight!
  8. Dont understand anything!
  9. Thank you guys! I´ll try in the next days in 2 or 3 different platforms. Thanks again!
  10. So, when PCMark XP Startup it´s running i should move a big file from the ssd to an external drive, for example. Any tip about the weight of the big file??? The XP Startup test doesnt take many time so i think that a 100MB file should be fine...Thanks Christian
  11. Hi guys. I´ve got a SATA 3.0 SSD but i have a problem when i want to bench PCM05, I always get over 220MB/s in the XPStartup subtest. There is any way to limit it to 220MB/s? Thank you
  12. Yeah, I know, i´ve just reintalled the system now!
  13. Done, but that solution doesnt work. I sent a pm to Sweet some minutes ago.
  14. 2900MHz, it´s impossible to beat a Phenom with that freq! Can go further cause the base clock gime me some storage problems, there´s no frequency block in this mb. The points in this submission are wrong, i make a mistake and submit it with 0:0:00.00, so it takes it like a record.
  15. Nice chip! 8 cores @ 5Ghz will be nice for the f*cking Vantage. So, looking the screens with this chips it´s possible to play with the bus again. Good job OBR
  16. It´s OK Turrican, thank you. I´ve submit a result and it works fine. Bye!
  17. Thank you Turrican. I was a bit confused because the screenshot it´s shown as mandatory (in red like the compare url). Bye
  18. Ticket ID: 1295 Priority: Low I guys. What are the requirements for the screenshot in the ref. clock submisions? Can I upload a screenshot from my CPU-Z validations?\r\n\r\nThanks!
  19. Nice score. What was the mem frequency?
  20. Does it mean top-15 global and top-20 hardware for my account?? So, the most awared submissions. What about the kind of picture?? Whole system, only the card for 3D, only the processor for 2D?? Bye!
  21. I have a question about the pictures. Should i upload the picture of the graphics card, the whole system or what??? Can i upload pictures with a diferent hardware config? Example for a graphic card benchmark, i have submit a score with a AMD setup, but now i use a intel setup, can i upload that picture??? Best!
  22. What does it means? "Only use videocard from the 184,186 family." It´s in 3DM01 - Nvidia 400/500 series ranking
  23. Ese resultado fué con P8P67M Pro. Una placa muy muy floja para overclock y con poco soporte de BIOS, pero que en general cumple muy bien. Saludos
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