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Everything posted by Mad222

  1. WR points please ! http://hwbot.org/submission/2253462_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2249118_
  2. Absolutely amazing & proud of the result! Glad to see Top Freq. WR broken by AMD Congrats to all
  3. Congrats, Gappo, Iron & Benny!
  4. Yup...I like anything with "UD7" on it They seem to get along with me well...lol
  5. It is my 2nd 2600K that died couple weeks ago while running 5.8g 32m air Dun ask me why, but it came back to life on UD7-B3 Fuxking crazy chip !
  6. Hey, dude, why did do do it? Keep submitting scores from Mr. Dakara ?
  7. Hey, isn't it identical to Mr. Dakara's PI1m score ? Would someone look into this !
  8. Thx, guys @ Sam OCX: 1047 CPM No, you can't find the "N" ones in latest batches Frankly, the "N" chips were good only in early weeks like 1007-1023... with diff. layout of CPU pins, but that's irrelevant for today's phenoms
  9. Thx, everyone! LOL....there're many great AMD overclockers who can get better scores. Perhaps, they've been just busy playing with Sandy...hehe! I'm sure many more good records will be made by others ! Might get details on the pot here:- http://www.ln2cooling.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=33&products_id=85
  10. Thx, guys. Amd rocks...! Cele303, how's it going, Bro ? Hope to see you back to Amd benching soon ! Usually buy 2-4pcs per model
  11. Congrats, awesome work ! Can't wait to get one of these 975
  12. Thx, guys! Haha, yes, AMD has improved a lot Maj0r...we both work hard for the kill ! I like the ice cream look of the pot too. Oh Yeah, UD7 rocks !
  13. Thx, guys! Try my best to get the board running on full power for 3D, Pieter I usually buy 2-4pcs of each model I like VID is 1.375v
  14. Oh, man...this is getting fun...hahaha! Join you to break 7.2 when I get a new board Excellent work, Bro!
  15. Just awesome! Nice to see 7.13g broken
  16. It was fun playing 5 pots at the same time CPU pot from http://www.ln2cooling.com/
  17. The Super Typhoon stopped me from doing that in the last few days You want to see 9.8s & sub 9 mins PI, right ?! Won't let you down ...Bro !
  18. Hahah....catching up with you, Bro! This chip can do 4.8GHz+ on air @ 1.55v with temp. 33c-35c...Crazy Deneb! Pushing from 7006MHz to 7.119MHz using K10 was really pain in the ass though
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