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OClockDoc last won the day on March 28 2023

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  1. Thanks and thanks to I.nfraR.ed. Very hard without debug display.
  2. Well, we don't have ane commercial support, so it's not exactly the same.
  3. -50 C. I couldn't find CPU benchable below that. Usually -20/30 C.
  4. everything sold, can be moved, thanks
  5. 5625 1.2 VCore Air cooled ( Deepcool Gammaxx GTE V2 RGB) [url=https://postimg.cc/w7GnhP65][img]https://i.postimg.cc/w7GnhP65/2023-05-15-115001.png[/img][/url]
  6. All items arranged for now, will update if any change. everything sold, can be moved, thanks
  7. Golden Ryzen 5 7600X Cinebench - R20 GPUPI for CPU - 1B score 7-Zip score No physic intervention. Works perfect. Local warranty + AMD. Price: €380 14900KF, SP=94, IMC=78, VID=1.496V No physic intervention. Works perfect. Warranty in Germany. Only used for 3 days, 2 on water chiller and 1 on LN2. Price: €550 ASUS ROG Crosshair X670E Gene No physic intervention. Works perfect. Warranty in Germany. Only used for test 7600X. Insulation will be cleaned. Price: €350 Location: Sofia/Bulgaria/EU PayPal or bank transfer. Buyer pays shipping. everything sold, can be moved, thanks
  8. Full pot, but AGESA With has CB.
  9. First steps And one more step:
  10. Thanks for quick response. Bothe CPU exactly the same. I may will try some other.
  11. Do You need to bin CPU`s for CB? I tried two 12300/12100 and both didn`t work below -50C. They didn`t freeze at idle but in benchmark.
  12. Didn`t get exactly fullpot ~-155 C. 1.3 VSoc. Next time will try with 1:2 divider and higher VSoc.
  13. Memory controller is weak. It can do 8000 on chiller with latest Bios, but has cold bug. Also no performance gain with 1:2 divider. Very hard to bench with this board, every 1 hour need to heat up, flash Bios and remount. Will try next days in other benchmarks.
  14. It almost past 7050, but I was amazed and forgot to put some LN2. The board is a bit hard to handle with extreme cooling.
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