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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. Yup, totally bought me, even though I knew already Keep up the good work.
  2. Hey, it wouldn't be a good day without a new bug.
  3. This benchmark only cares about first seconds of runtime, lower temps at the start will give you the edge.
  4. EDIT SUBMISSION > type in comment field > SAVE > nada Ahh ok, thanks.
  5. On the bright side, everyone will get a sudden bump in points at once
  6. Meh, needs custom rom * kernel, pretty weak on stock.
  7. No, not even all Intel platforms.
  8. Instead of having 3 HWP stages locked to various setups it would of been better done in 2 stages, one for 1x/2x cores and one for 4x/8x setups. Wonder who will have the patience to run Realcrap V2 tho
  9. Ohh god, another benchmark. It's official, 2D gold sweep routine requires 48 hrs now.
  10. Write an AHK script to read the fields in CPUZ and output them to screen?
  11. Yes they are safe. Didn't try them with -ri.
  12. 1,4,64 4670K 1,3,60 tricore
  13. You have to take a screenshot on your phone with the 3DMark score, unfortunately FM does not give a link for Android subs. EDIT: If possible, also attach a CPU-Z validation or 3DMark hardware info screenshot.
  14. Why not be all in XOC and just be able to compete in Pro at free will, with separate ranking, without affecting XOC score/position?
  15. Only now I noticed my Graphics Memory subtest was very slow, damn it What storage did you use?
  16. Yeah sorry, only MM can do it but it will take a while, faster this way for you
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