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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. Damn, why didn't I think of this before I have an hour free right now, let's update this stuff.
  2. Shady AV software init? Those admin launchers are packed batch script files. Will drop them anyway since XP is too retarded to properly work with them.
  3. This is a memory benchmark, so the jump from 1600Mhz to 2133 justifies the score. Still a shit benchmark, GG Intel.
  4. Haha, it was done with lights off with an SPH-L710, it's a mancave not a bitchroom with natural light )
  5. Haha. I hate that the kbd must be plugged in or the bezel power button won't work lmao.
  6. I could of used better phrasing, but the point stays. Every N subs, the N+1 always lags for 2-3 minutes, no matter what browser/pc/connection you use.
  7. Yeah, sorry, but it's not in my power.
  8. AloneWolf's score is now blocked. Any penalties are up to C.Ney now.
  9. I see, I had SlimSaber + DorimanX and ART scored ~10% lower, next time I will try with CM11, thanks!
  10. Strange, ART usually scores lower in this app, I guess it depends on the ROM/Phone.
  11. He used ubuntu touch 140%, it works on many of the Samsung's and it scores most of the times 100-150% more than Android.
  12. In all fairness he didn't mention which DX, might be the 25 or 100Mhz, but remember Karl's 50 days W1024? It's gonna take even more for SPi32.
  13. Ship it to a friend in CND/MEX then have it imported?
  14. Fix is still pending, thanks. Btw, did you run all one after another?
  15. Una scrivania in ordine, è frutto di una mente malata )
  16. Assuming 1890 is the stock max frequency, it can only be an SD600 or T40. KIRIN can only dream of that performance. MT only has 6595 in plans, and it's more on par with specs of SD800. Phone looks like it's slightly under 5 inches, and has piss-poor resolution, so my bet's on ZOPO or other crap such as Gionee.
  17. Noticed this on a few more scores. Besides this, there are still scores with no HTPP. [ATTACH]2203[/ATTACH]
  18. And here I am struggling with my crap 775 boards to reach FSB600 when all I needed was a Slot1 board!
  19. Achievement 1036 Error message: org.apache.torque.NoRowsException: Failed to select a row.
  20. Next update planned for this weekend, long overdue.
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