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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. Ticket ID: 1187 Priority: Low Add series "Overclock" under brand "Gigabyte". I can post a photo of the packaging if needed. GPUZ: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2126978_genieben_3dmark06_2x_geforce_gtx_260_216sp_34772_marks
  2. Ticket ID: 1184 Priority: Low Please add product "Rendition" under brand "Crucial". CPUZ: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2121350_genieben_ucbench_2011_beta_celeron_lga775_450_152_mpt_score Manuf:http://www.crucial.com/store/partspecs.aspx?IMODULE=CT12864AA800 Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148166
  3. thx, i can add the scores now
  4. GPU-Z http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/168352_102274066518641_100002081440719_14834_8032640_n.jpg
  5. can u pls edit the freqs on gpu, 1620 lol (/2).
  6. Ticket ID: 1183 Priority: High Please add the \"SE\" version of GTX460. 256bit but only 288SP\'s (336 regular). Ill post a gpu-z tonite if needed.
  7. Thx, as helpfull as always. ps: edit rules to state ANY version allowed, as it says 2007 right now.
  8. lol vantage fails ) u should get points for going downward
  9. Fermi + XP + AM3 = fail (ur gettin <10k cpu score right?) If u run it on W7, install the patch and set affinity in task manager
  10. Ticket ID: 1181 Priority: Low Download link is broken. As a sidenote, is only 2007 allowed?
  11. if u copy paste from browser, adress says "/ucbench/" not "/ucbench2011/"... had same problem, works fine if u add "2011"...
  12. have u noticed how bad fermi is on 99/00 ? stock gets u almost the same
  13. per authors' own post, memory plays little to no difference in this benchmark..cheers
  14. this test scales so bad, u have extra 300mhz yet the points difference is so small
  15. u might want to remove cdkey from that screenshot if it really is yours
  16. u already added the DDR5 version per request, please add the DDR3 too. No GPUz sorry: GeForce GT 440 96SP 810 MHz 1620 MHz 128-bit 1 GB 3.2 GT/s GDDR5 GeForce GT 440 (OEM) 144SP 594 MHz 1189 MHz 192-bit 3 GB 1.8 GT/s GDDR3
  17. Please add the DDR3 version of 8400 GS. Device ID 10DE-10CE. Available in 512/1024 MB. GPUZ: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs053.snc6/168299_196996990311306_100000030193385_808774_4851874_n.jpg Manuf: http://www.palit.biz/main/vgapro.php?id=1404
  18. waitin this fix for p8p67 deluxe
  19. u had VSync on, start NVIDIA Cpl and set Force Off.
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