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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. I wish to receive an explenation how you achieved this score with a mere 56Mhz more
  2. Server cpus only foreseen for the single core stage atm
  3. Different sockets yes, similar to AM3/AM3+, I will increase the nr of subs in this stage to at least 8 looking at the comments, I wanted to avoid Intel domination and benching on a single motherboard type for at least 3 gens ? Gosh, not this discusion again/ I see it this way: we bench thousands of euro hardware but don't want to buy a xx euro licence ? I bought the entire UL 3DSuite for less than 20 euros last week. Be creative... I know you can
  4. I talked to Uncle MAd and he allows any Galax videocard for the 2D benchmarks based on CPU speed (stage 1 and 2)
  5. Let us start with 416.34 WHQL driver - I'll adapt the rule to on or after 11 october ?
  6. Latest update 06/10/2018: Usage of the latest Timespy version 2.6.6174 dating from October 8, 2018 or newer. Usage of the Systeminfo 5.13, dating from September 28, 2018 or newer
  7. Small update, I talked to Pasi from UL, usage of the latest Timespy version 2.6.6174 dating from October 8, 2018. Usage of the Systeminfo 5.13, dating from September 28, 2018 There might be an updated Systeminfo later down the road, but not for the upcoming weeks Take note that all suspicious scores will be screened by the crew of UL Benchmarks via the datafile Happy benching!
  8. missing FM link for Team Cup participation. GTX1070 Ti is not an integrated graphics card
  9. guys back to class plz... cleaning thread, damn Down Under benchers...
  10. well all the vital info needs to be in the screenshot, thus not addedional image
  11. K seems we have some proposals from different teams regarding the proposal of some card types. So we allow Titan Z and Radeon Pro Duo to compete ? That's the big question...
  12. I'll make a poll for the Dual GPU stage Vote here: Majority wins
  13. Nah skip radeon pro duo, same as with Vega Frontier Edition, cards maybe launched for both segments but these are not the cards I want to see benched
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