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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. That's not the solution as it iwll triger something else Frederik, if you want to do an annual ranking it has to be based on 2 and 3D and maybe single card subs only or specific benchmarks only...
  2. seasonal ranking might need to be eg the best 10 3D and 10 2D points for an OCer, just to take the focus off expensive GPUs... I don't like the seasonal concept as it will be another extra ranking on top of all the rest... and in its current state it reflects zilch zero... maybe you don't liek static rankings, but it takes along time to get to the top and to stay there is even harder... with seasonal rankings it takes 3 weeks to get there and shit loads of cash, but on one GPU generation and CPU architecture...
  3. We need to get back to the basics here with some added competition points, something that truly reflects what an OCer achieved, which was in my eyes rev3... All the rest was way too complex to explain, I don't even get the current algorythm at all, hence why I just focussed on hardware masters. The support for E-sports was total overkill and a deadborn child from the start. I like normal hardware rankings with a cut off of points at 50%, sorry we can't please everybody here. For the OCers leagues some award system (with cups) and a bonus for those that participate in competitions... nothing more nothing less... as simple as it gets plz
  4. OGS (firekiller and Phil) has benched a multitude of platforms in 2018, while Bob (Peter) just benched a dozen of benchmarks in a matter of two weeks or such lol... So that effort makes him better just becasue he did a better selection of which 3D to bench... Well we can debate this endlessly, this is not the way to go... it doesnt reflect anything... can we reload rev 3 and see what that does on UAT...
  5. it is the same with the OCers Frederik... Bob did some runs with 1080Ti and 1080Ti in SLi, so he is the fastest OCer in the world... sorry but not by far... This yearly thing is too vulnerable to the latest and greatest hardware... That will either motivate some with the cash and piss off prolly more OCers... The currrent system with the competition points (yearly too) is a far better approach to keep them motivated
  6. So Novices of USA is the fastest team on the planet ....
  7. Yes Frederik is gonna add a subcategory to the benchmark list with TS GPU and TSE GPU score, to avoid this workaround
  8. if you go per year approach it will reflect who's actively benching, and that's basicly it... It is no longer about who's being skilled, just the same as it is now, bench the latest and greatest and get top ranking per member/team and Hardware all for the same price... I don't see the point in it... It will kill the Bot once and for all, especially if the Hardware Masters gets the same treatment... Might be interesting from a server load perspective but we just need to roll back to a simple algorythm: where the top score is 50 points and roll down, do a cut off at 50% to reduce server load...
  9. I'm fully against any approach per year for members/teams/..., this makes about half of the members/ teams loose massive points, which makes motivation to continue to bench non existing... Only thing the bot will reflect who is still actively benching (probably the latest and greatest hardware) not about what they have ever achieved. Makes climbing the ladder even easier than it is now... Especially for the hardware masters, well just skip the category and loose it all..
  10. Changed the configuration, similar to the geekbench one... seems way better now
  11. I would keep the competition points, Frederik, its a motivator to participate... but keep it simple, like 50-48-46 for challangers and team cup and co Don't like the per year thing, especially not for the hardware masters, that's the work of an OC career going up for grasps... not done Frederik, a very bad idea Whats the impact on server load if we attribute points again for all benchmarks
  12. Should be 50-48-46 like previous years ... For GPU-Z also include sensor tab for verification ... I'll extend the qualifier one week
  13. Update: a full run is required and total score counts for the compo
  14. I'm on it, mate, your subs are way down the line of reported ones... one by one
  15. I got the heads up by Frederik that some of your teammates also benched similar CPUs, overruling your sub, Plz email Frederik for an exact detailed description who submitted what at frederik@hwbot.org
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