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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Too late, sorry... rules were there from day one... score counts for individual ranking, however no more for this round...
  2. Stage 1 subs edited, let the page recalculate and the new ranking should pop up
  3. Many teams have open membership, meaning you can just join , log into their forums and start learning. For older hardware Warp9 is the place to be, Overclock net has a solid member base and forum too. We will launch a new Rookie Cup soon but I need to get back from abroad first!
  4. K guys give me a heads up what to do, I see it simple as following: My two cents: To have a valid OSIBS score for stage 1 : 1) the appropriate background is a must, sorry if you neglect that, well your score is not valid for the OSIBS compo 2) I can live with the fact that only ONE CPU-Z is shown, but we can allow only up to 5% margin between the screenshot and the validation file, If you have a better validation file, your loss... What I don't get is that most of you just submit one 1-2 sandbag scores and then the final score. If I did CPU-Z I have tons of validation files and screenshots on the drive. Remember that all scores are still valid for normal rankings and idem ditto points
  5. I you all can live with the fact we accept a screenshot with only the mem frequency displayed on the compo background (with the accepted margin of speed difference between the validation file and the screenshot.) But I can't allow a picture of the screen. anyway all these scores are still valid for normal rankings as you only need a validation file.
  6. K some scores in stage 1 only have a picture of the screenshot, others don't even have a screenshot, just a setup pic. Then there are others who have a screenshot with FSB far off the CPU-Z score... Any inputs plz
  7. Why do you ask if you already know the answer, damn Aussies
  8. K I quickly crosschecked some subs of stage 2 When screening, CPU-Z must read out 5000 MHz or less, no fluctuations above 5000MHz are allowed !! Also make sure the CPU-Z Mainboard tab is also there, even though an FM link is needed you have to make sure for competitions that your screenshots are 100% as required in the rules Have a nice day
  9. Make sure for your final score that the mainboard tab is also in the screenshot!!!
  10. Pm Richbastard with a detailed description what is going on with your ranking. Me and Frederik are both in Belgium, we are just awake now
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