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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Don't forget to add the : A VALIDATED CPU-Z Verification link is required (no XOC mode)
  2. Seem you filled in Chilled/Cold for this submission https://hwbot.org/submission/5219067 want to me change it back to custom watercooling?
  3. No verification screenshot All submissions must include a picture of their rig (MB, VGA, MEM, CPU cooler) during use All submissions must include a picture of G.SKILL memory with heatsink and serial number; If the heatsink is removed, the picture must clearly show the PCB and IC
  4. Lucky draw is only for those that didn't end up in top 9. Only limitation is sub in all stages
  5. And how do your current clocks & bios settings look like sir?
  6. changed Hwbot site it will florin_ics... it does not like the . in a name
  7. Thread locked by a really man... programmer was advised last week, but it is low on the priority list.
  8. plz use the official GSKILL wallpaper sir https://i.postimg.cc/GhdJGnb8/OCWC2023.jpg
  9. plz use the official GSKILL wallpaper sir https://i.postimg.cc/GhdJGnb8/OCWC2023.jpg
  10. All 2D scores require a CPUZ tab for CPU, oine for memory!, Plz check out the rules at the frontpage: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  11. Removed all of the latest subs you did sager83. The reasons are: ECC has to be enabled for competitive benchmarking A verification screenshot requires the benchmark score and window, CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory and a GPUZ
  12. It's up again https://valid.x86.fr/0u0nkz
  13. SOFTWARE Windows 10 submissions only ( no server OSses ) CPU-Z 2.04 only BenchMate 10.12.2 only All published biosses in the Hwbot thread can be used, no date restriction (UPDATE 03/03/2023 by G.Skill Head judge)
  14. It was never the intentions to block any biosses, they have to be available. Everybody wanted to be able to use what the big boys were playing with. I'm not a native speaker on top of that there are plenty of limitations to integrate ruling in the competition pages at Hwbot classic and E-sports and the Forum page was not updated to the rules that were on E-sports from Wednesday. So we can go a few ways, some options are: To allow biosses till a fixed date, eg 15th of March and than lock it To allow to use all shared biosses at the thread, no end date ... I'll discuss it with the G.Skill judges
  15. All is fine for biosses One wallpaper, but différent stage endings, so you need to show your cards earlier
  16. 4 performance cores but no E cores 2 performance cores and 2 E cores or other combo
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