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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. 50 people audience, c'mon PJ, how can we do that without our golden boy HATE MAIL SEND !
  2. dep on the 3rd with return on the 11th is the cheapest option here...
  3. you got already something workedout Roman ? OCing is the only reason for me being in Germany during that period, skipping CeBIT entirely... unless some interesting event takes place somewhere yet unnanounced...
  4. I can only reach 2666 on mine mate, 2800MHz boots in OS, but reboots the PC as soon as I start to stress them... latest batch 2400C10 are great till 2600MHz; doing 10-12-12-30 1T at 1.73Vdimm, 2666MHz needs 11-12-12-30 at 1.75Vdimm...
  5. It's not because they didn't mention it, that they are not going Mafio, these boys are clever !
  6. Look like a fun road trip ! Pictures or it didn't happen
  7. On the way to Switzerland, take care of it ! Tracker nr in the mail Ceeeeeeee !
  8. Several PSC screenshots here, mine : http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=217031&postcount=82 Hicookie: http://hwbot.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=1408&d=1355636102 Check out Sin's OC guide too
  9. I'll have to redo it, that's also my daily laptop, damn now I'm known as notorious fail cheator overclocker sigh... Crucified by a german, life can't get any worse then this Nice ACER laptop, cheap and does what I want, however can't change anything on it regarding CPU speed... so if yours can do bclock, pretty easy scores to beat...
  10. It's all in the CPU speed... 100MHz more CPU and the score might get a 1.5-2K boost... yet this score is already good enough for 1st spot anyway :ws:
  11. Neo also present ? Thanks for the fun pics, nice event, good one Asrock... Vivi always wears his lucky hat ?
  12. Well the extra CPU speed wouldn't change things from 11K to 20K. What happens at 4500MHz CPU and 2133MHz ram speed and the GPUs at lower clocks ? The combined is pittyfull low too. Dual or more channel ram will help too for sure...
  13. So next benchday at your place then Bjorn
  14. Nice one lads, lol Boris starts to look a lot like me : COPYCAT ! (but he's slimmer, that does not imply being more sexier Beier )
  15. Relax man , he already rebenched and will post the new score soon... don't get so arroused that's my job here
  16. not yet still got a UP7 or MVE here to test Luc...
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