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Everything posted by Slovak_Killer

  1. Hello guys,Just trying some things, Ive managed to fix my card somewhat, its not downclocking or randomly undervolting to 987mv anymore. During TimeSpy run its holding fullboost as long as youre under 60C, so 2000mhz+ and 1.1Vcore. Performance also went up for me, same settings I gained 10fps on TimeSpy from this 2x8pin bios vs evga normal or XOC bios which are power throttling.U have to flash this bios : Gigabyte RTX 3090 VBIOS (recommended for max perf) OR EVGA RTX 3090 VBIOS (With XC3 bios u will loose some perf but get full Precision X support)its 2x8pin bios so it wont read third 8pin correctly (thus allowing for higher PL) and allow gpu to not do stupid auto downclocking/undervolting.GPU-Z will be totally bugged and showing craps so dont trust it !!! (300w board consumption, 60W chip, 9.9v on pcie etc other craps which are false)
  2. Condition is as you can see on the pictures. Special custom MSI 2080Ti Lightning, modified PCB with shunt mod. Card has flashed MSI secret 1000W (in theory no power limit) bios only few people have as far as I know. Card has unlocked voltage control (up to 2Vcore) with MSI AfterBurner Extreme which I will include. Prepared for liquid nitrogen but was never used on it due to financial reasons. Card was only used on watercooling. Comes with original cooler, oled panel doesnt work and with original box that isnt complete. Being modified card this card doesnt have warranty anymore. Price : 1300E + shipping
  3. I dont think the NDA is finished, u should probably give up about trying to get abx
  4. there are like 2 versions of abx for 2080Ti but only for XOCers chosen by MSI.
  5. Sorry bro no chance, its very hard to get it even if u are in extreme oc league etc.
  6. Ive had 3600 just for few days, run it on ln2 and sold it, didnt want to bother to make clean win7 instal with impact drivers, dont take it as insult your effi is good shame u couldnt maxed out core and fclk
  7. TBH its not that good score, If I used win 7 i would probably get better one. youre not even running 1900 fclk etc, effi is good but youre not maxed out.
  8. technically its still reportable youre placing tabs on rendered area, thanks btw, you guys did a lot better than me to be honest
  9. As I mentioned its only for MP2888A based RTX Lightning which u dont have, no i cant provide voltage support for FE card
  10. U salty af, why even bother, its just a competition between us, overclockers...
  11. Wasnt a limit of card, had paste crack
  12. Your card is probably newer one, the firmware on your card is too "new" for this bios so bad luck for u, u cant use galax bios.
  13. EXPERIMENTAL! The purpose of this is testing and experimentation only.Also, ensure you have proper cooling (chiller or good water-cooling or even subzero)Desc: This "mod" will unlock voltage control on MP2888A based card with digital voltage: 2080Ti Lightning. Core voltage will be unlocked also power limit, so be very careful what you're doing, I haven't tested this on retail card, my Lightning has NDA hardmods so test this yourself properly with caution.STEPS :1) Download XOC Pack that is here in attachments.2) Flash bios "kp.rom" to your card ("kp.rom" bios is Kingpin XOC bios with no overcurrent, overvoltage and overheating protection, be aware ! Fans are spinning 100% all the time for safety)3) After flashing bios and restarting PC, place file "MSIAfterburner.oem2" into your MSI Afterburner folder on your hard disk (C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner).4 ) Go to your Afterburner settings and set "Unlock voltage control" to "third party". Other settings are in the screenshot in attachments.5) Restart afterburner and enjoy voltage control, however, please check your temps and voltage through probes placed on side of the card with a multimeter, the +mv value is not correct, u have to try how much it adds actually.PLEASE: after doing this let me know how to mod works because I didn't test it on retail cards yet, thanks and enjoy. XOC Pack.zip
  14. Night bench session with few litres of LN2 :P First time ocing ryzen
  15. Well thats best bios u can use (if i dont count NDA ones)
  16. Use kingpin bios for bigger power limit. I cant share my NDA
  17. Galax NVVDD wont work with Lightning and you need custom Afterburner for voltage tweaking which even I dont have.
  18. A thread dedicated to Discussion, Problems, News and OC stuff around MSI RTX 2080 Ti Lightning. Will be updated constantly.// Info about MSI RTX 2080 Ti Lightning // - Uses custom PCB (3x 8Pin), basically reference but with digital ICs : 8-Phase MP2888 and MP2884. Can handle up to 700A on LN2- Samsung GDDR6 instead of Micron, clocks better with also improved timings (depends on used BIOS)- Beefy cooling solution, though I recommend using watercooling as Turing full boost is under 60C.- Stock LN2 bios allows voltage change for vMem (memory voltage) and AUXs voltages (PLLs) those two are not necessary unless on LN2.- Max power limit is set to 380W with 108% set in Afterburner its 400W max, NDA LN2 bios is fully unlocked with up to 1000W power limit. Also Core Voltage is unlocked (Custom Afterburner (ABX) needed!!!)XOC Guide : HERE : Issues :MSI card somehow is scanning everything on PCB, checking for "dead" voltages or malfunctions and if it detects something like an unplugged fan (my case because I'm on waterblock) it goes into safe mode.Please use this BIOS to fix this : https://www.dropbox.com/s/8s0vewi7gg...RF_Ln2.7z?dl=0Few words from me :1) If u want higher power limit or LN2 NDA bios with ABX don't bother unless you're LN2 overclocker, it's extremely hard to get hold of this, also u will need Guide from MSI for HW mods which are needed in order to unlock card.2) There is a work-around for power limit, you will need to flash BIOS with high-power limit - Galax OC Lab 2000W works fine with card, Core voltage is up to 1.2V.-- If you want to ask or discuss, please comment below this thread, thanks for reading and lets all have fun with this card ! --
  19. Which bios version ? can u copy from gpu I know, thats my thread just different nickname
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