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Everything posted by SteveRo

  1. I think futuremark link required for all top 20 (global or H/W) is a great idea. If we have that I reco we not require results.txt. Futuremark link or results.txt required for ALL submissions. Wadaya think?
  2. I thought it was areca but couldn't remember, well done!
  3. This looks like a good score, what did you use for a controller? well done!
  4. Good Morning Master Leeghoofd - also for Mister's Pro and Sweet, I don't believe changing HDD sector size should be legal because it tricks the pcm05 benchmark into thinking the HDD subtests ran faster than it really did. The amd raid expert s/w isn't the only way to do this, it can be done easily with any setup amd or intel. To do this requires only one ssd - easy to get 9500+MB/s on just about anything except for 1x core - simply by increasing the drive sector size. For this reason I think we should NOT allow it.
  5. Still using increased sector size via AMD Raid Expert? I don't think should be legal but I think it still is for now.
  6. Very good Mr. Pro, understood, I will inform my teammates and delete all my submissions that have used this tweak, thanks again for doing this for us. edit - I have deleted all of my submissions that used this tweak (10 total). I now have no pcm05 submissions since 09May.
  7. Good morning Master Pro, Much thanks for doing this for us, I just pm'd you my team's TW tweak, please take a look when you have a moment. Much thanks!
  8. I feel your pain, I've sold four of my acards - can someone talk to the buyers and get them back for me? Oh, well.
  9. Good morning Mr. Sweet, The TW tweak that I was using was using non-OS s/w to minimize the transp. windows. Is this an illegal tweak? Not sure. All of my submissions since 09May used this tweak and I will delete them when so directed. edit - PM'd Master Pro with the tweak for his assessment.
  10. Mr. Sweet, one other item, looking for clarification - for many of my most recent submissions I have used non-OS s/w that helps TW. Do I need to remove these submissions?
  11. Looking for clarification Mr. Sweet: For many of my most recent submissions I have used non-OS s/w that helps TW. Is all non-OS s/w now disallowed? Iometer ok for limiting xp startup?
  12. Hmm ... If changing sector size is allowed to fool pcm05 we will see ~10k virus scan across the board, I can do this on both amd and intel, actually pretty much any mobo. Also - I have used non-OS s/w for some of my latest submissions but not flash desktop. Are we going to ban using iometer for xpstartup?
  13. Guys, Mr. Moose, Is AMD RAIDXpert changing the sector size still allowed, is changing sector size on any drive allowed, why just amd? - http://hwbot.org/submission/2323211_moose83_pcmark_2005_fx_8120_44373_marks/
  14. So I am confused, I thought tricking pcm05 by using a different HD sector size is not allowed or is it??
  15. nice run but virus scan 9448? what did you use for storage?
  16. Well done Denis!! and w/o text edit even, wow!
  17. ^^ This has to be the most expensive hobby I've ever pursued
  18. Without the supertweaks we are ALL duck soup now!
  19. ^^ When you get cold enough you should have the WR my friend!
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