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Everything posted by SteveRo

  1. if a single number is what your looking for than your choices are very limited - AS SSD, pcmark05 total or HDD or pcmv total or HDD. I have never tried - what is it - passmark? and of course you know there is a new pcmark in the works, what else that gives a single number? you could probably contruct something out of iometer but there are so maany set up variables that if you wanted several people to use the same settings - it gets hard. tough problem.
  2. Thanks, LSC on and tweaked subtimings but old - not optimized os and no waza so I can probably improve this a bit.
  3. Much thanks guys - I need to work on storage, I am sure there is a better sweet spot.
  4. Very nice, well done! I am beginning to wonder when you sleep, you are really nocking out the scores, nice work, keep it up!
  5. Wow - your going to town with SB/5850 - looking good!
  6. Mr. Anvil - I think this needs to be submitted as a six core?
  7. Nice work Paul! What size SSDs did you use, the 200s?
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