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Everything posted by SteveRo

  1. Wow Denis - good work! Well done my friend. Areca for gen use and onboard/SSDs for virus?
  2. Christian - excellent!
  3. Much thanks to Denis and Bob for partial Gluvo tweaks and Bob's tweak!!
  4. Well done Denis! Single core pcm05 is a tough nut to crack - yes this is on my shortlist - probably this week or next.
  5. Well done!! Is there a better mobo that allows oc??
  6. Yes, I think Master Pro has had a text edit tweak for some time - surprised he has waited so long to finally use it.
  7. Wow Denis! - Very nice across the board - all subscores are excellent! - well done!!
  8. I vote we call these the "Gluvo Tweaks"!! :)
  9. Wow Denis well done!! - I just watched your video - you have been very busy!! Mucho congrats!
  10. Well done Denis!! All your hard work is paying off now. Wow - almost 65k transparent windows and 60+ web pages - what do you want to name the new tweaks? The Denis Tweaks? - also - what did you use for storage?
  11. I played with a 9211 for some time and even with 8xR0 acards I was never able to get these kind of scores out of it. - could be I wasn't set up correctly?
  12. Master Pro back on top in pcm05 - seems like old times
  13. Looks like the submit score button is not working?
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