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Everything posted by MaadDaawg

  1. As my original comment stated, I have tried over and over t delete this. It is a moot point anyway because I posted a higher score a few days later. I have even asked Moderators to delete this score but no one did. Feel bad for the person who has so little to do that they comb over submissions that are over half a year old.
  2. I deleted this submission within minutes of posting it after noticing the mistake. It does not show up in my profile any longer but appears to be stuck in the system I can't find a way to report it so someone else can delete it... argh, how embarrasing
  3. Way to go Bro!!! OCAlliance.. wOOt
  4. Just to break the tension some... K404 I LOVE your avatar
  5. +1 :rofl:
  6. I bench for fun, part of that fun though is being able to contribute to the success of your team, if not outright DOMINATE each bench. I know I'm not gonna dominate, so I do what I can can add boints for myself and for the team. It's a good way of squaring your efforts against those of your peers. I WISH our team shared HW - I'm going broke buying all the latest stuff. If anything, this sickly ver4 I'm thinking would promote sharing and cheating. I can't win, so why not send my stuff to so and so who's hot and let him/her try and score some points. Do the sponsors really want a large reduction of participants on the bot? If only the top can score, ain't gonna be a whole lot of others posting to look like afterthoughts.
  7. And I though Rev3.x was bad, this makes Rev3.x look brilliant!! Our team stretches from India to Hawaii to the East Coast and beyond. My closest brother is about 1500 miles away - how the hell am I supposed to arrange "team bench sessions"? I SAY BRING BACK REV 2 !!!!! Rev3 sucks and Rev4 is obviously the product of a brain dead corporate dude that deserves to be stillborn. Rev4 could be the end of the bot. And for the record, despite the volume and vitriole of my response - I don't share any hardware with anyone - I still got each piece I've posted sitting in boxes here in the cave DUDES.
  8. MaadDaawg: Way to go two proc BRO :ROFL:
  9. Jeez, turn your back for a week or two and look what happens! I'm still trying to get over the feeling of "betrayal" of v3 cutting my boints in half, now this Sad is the word for it, but not necessarily using the non-happy definition of the word. Personally I am not in Andre's or Hiwa's league so I wasn't cheated out of anything material, but I can understand why those who were are as upset as they are. Then, this mipmap thing I knew nothing about ... sad, cause now ya gotta think bending the rules is more commonplace than you'd really like to think it is. I haven't been benching for awhile due to personal issues, but I've got my rigs rebuilt and my dewar full and won't be away forever, I'll post here cause it's the only game in town and the only place I can see how I'm doing compared to others. If my scores are lower cause of some goings on I'm not privvy too, such is life. Just gotta stay true to yourself and hope others do the same.
  10. from:MaadDaawg - SICK score there Lord Dent - AWESOME clockin
  11. From MaadDaawg - WOOT !! way to go JOEY
  12. Awesome work Brother ... keep on clocking bro
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