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Everything posted by Achill3uS

  1. hasfail again 4790k L423B494 crap cpu on ln2, -93 CBB / -106 CB max clock 6.3GHz at even 1.90vcore/2.40vccin another sandbag, enough for today 4670k L402B455 5GHz air 1.45v 32M 6.2G valid 1.80v LN2 -123cbb
  2. anyway, for psc and ln2 purposes i wont change the X04 bios.
  3. got new cpu today, strange vid 1.263v ?? after battery out full cmos it starts at 1.363v more strange, maybe bios bug 4790k L423B494 but it seems nice air chip 5G 32M at 1.28vcore / 1.85vccin tried low vccin like 1.65-1.75 but ive got bsod, so it seems to like 1.8v+ ln2 test soon, fingercross on XP i can go lower vcore...
  4. Achill3uS

    [FS] nice G3258

    hi fellas, im going to sell my best G3258 chip, its lapped, coming with full box. batch: 3418B986 OC: on air 5G 32M at 1.50vcore / uncore 4.5G memory at 2600c8 / LN2: 6.3G for validation, 6G SPI 32M stable CB/CBB -130C http://hwbot.org/submission/2676949_achill3us_cpu_frequency_pentium_g3258_6298.53_mhz http://hwbot.org/submission/2676964_achill3us_superpi___32m_pentium_g3258_5min_12sec_531ms price is 90 euro shipped fast track within europe. feel free to ask. cheers, bala
  5. i7 4790K L420B986 on air no idea, after unboxing straight on ln2 OK scaling CB/CBB -130
  6. Guys, what do you think about costa rica 4770k chips? its not that much on the list, did someone find any good?
  7. after lapping G3258 3418B986 scaled quite well on air and subzero as well, it had a terrible ihs, but still not that nice like others chip from this batch. max valid at 1.95v -115C
  8. good price bro, bump for ya!
  9. funny fact, i got also an L417B973 vid 1.044v and it can do 4900 32M at 1.45v 1.90vccin so if batch or vid doesnt matter, then what? strange pentiums...
  10. hi, can you check shipping to eu/hungary? i might interested. thanks!
  11. its quite frustrating that batch doesnt even matter anymore, about these pentiums... i did not bench long time ago, when i fist saw the results about these bastards, i felt like WANT ONE but now... need to find a good one it seems not an easy job, its completely about luck, what VID you will get. Tried 2 boards, ASUS and GBT Z97 too... same results... 3418C011 VID 1.056v 4.8G 32M 1.40v pass 4.9G 32M no matter what vcore/vccin no go 3418B986 should be a good batch for everyone VID 1.056v 4.8G 32M 1.35 pass 4.9G 32M no matter what vcore/vccin no go max valid 5.1G i think they doesnt deserve the chance of cold...
  12. Achill3uS

    WTB G3258

    hi guys, i had 2 potato chip, this time i try to make sure. i need on air 5G benchable cpu shipped to Hungary. let me know if you have something to sell. thanks!
  13. I need a mod to check my score: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/952164_achill3us_superpi_core_i5_661_6sec_515ms my screenshot is corrupted and my result is now blocked. Whatever i do, upload or just link the screenshot the system just dont show it only if you click on the blocked img. pls fix it asap. Thanks Bala
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