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Everything posted by Mutant_Tractor

  1. Unlike the TWKR the 980X ES's ARE available to everyone, some individuals however choose not to buy them and rather get the retail ones, fair enough but dont say that you cant get the chips therefore they should be banned because of your unwillingness to buy a chip with no warranty
  2. +1 on what steponz said, Just because you choose not to buy one doesnt mean they are not there BZ, FWIW I have gotten rid of my Q3QP in the last 2 days, Just because you are not willing to pay for a CPU doesnt mean they arent available BZ.
  3. Hey im not paraphrasing, any more than you are paraphrasing me, I have thought about it and because you seem to think that you "cannot get" these CPUs anymore when clearly there are ones on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Intel-6-Cores-Gulftown-3-06G-ES-Unlocked-FREE-SHIPPING_W0QQitemZ130376400533QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCPUs?hash=item1e5b09fe95 Q3QP if you want that instead of retail go ahead and its cheaper too.
  4. Thats not what i said, Well if you find a 512SP GTX 480 Rev A2 GPU go for it dude but itll cost you an arm and a leg, I think a 512SP 480 is what could be classified as a GS GPU, It is one you can get if you are lucky or if you are specifically looking for it I dont think money and connections is the way to go but i think if you have the connections and the money then you are welcome to use them, like I said Andre Yang does just that he cherry picks CPUs through his money and connections, wour saying cause he has those connections and the money to do that HWBot should ban him? An ES CPU is just something you can get a hold of if you look for it early enough on on eBay simple as, I bought my 980X cause i wanted a 6Core CPU, I had no idea it was Q3QP it could indeed have been a Q4EG and not have clocked as well but i got lucky.
  5. Exactly, now see i totally dont have a problem with that, Id just think to myself "Jammy Git" and continue benching my 980X, You out of your own resourcefulness have managed to get a 28nm CPU with 6 Cores well done to you I can wholeheartedly say i would not have one problem with you doing that as long as it was identifiable by Intel as an "i7 980X" same ass all our Q3QP/Q3FEs are EDIT: Actually, Upon thinking about that a 980X = 6Cores, 32nm What you would be doing is masking a processor with a different manufacturing process onto another, That is cheating thats a completely different argument.
  6. 1) Granted they are rare but if you get in early and bought one that was your own good fortune 2) Reliability of hardware/cost is irrelevant, tell that to Andre Yang who self bins batches of CPUs, surely the amount of money he spends on CPUs to self bin them makes it far less "fair" than someone who spends maybe 1/30th as much on one CPU and gets lucky, if you want to test your hardware to destruction that is your own perogative 3) I believe it is fair as this is just the same as your first point, Rare CPU = Same as a GS GPU or hand picked RAM you get lucky or you have people that you know, a 980X whether ES or not is a 980X.
  7. I agree with steponz, Granted i am biased in that i have a Q3QP but I think at this stage it is just jealousy or regret from the people that bough Retail 980-X's and found them not to clock as well as the ES's, ES's are available to you if you know where to look... eBay I dont see what the big deal is, its just like batch numbers on Q6600's if you are lucky/are in the know/have contacts and get a good batch you can do a lot better than other people, Another example is the Intel i7 920 C0 vs D0, D0 whips the C0 but we dont get cry babies going on about it, This situations is EXACTLY the same, if you had the good foresight to buy a 980X A0 Q3QP or Q3FE then thats just a better revision, simple as. 980X = 32nm, 6 Core HT CPU, what is the 980X ES? Exactly that.
  8. Ticket ID: 851 Priority: Medium Hi guys,\r\nNoticed that im seeing the \"+\" Icon for submissions where i have lost points too?\r\nSee link:\r\nhttp://img138.imageshack.us/img138/9219/hwbot.jpg\r\nIt used to show a little red \"-\" icon instead that was really handy to see what was going on \r\nPlease fix guys
  9. Cheap goes by what you earn... im a student... £50+ is expensive
  10. Nice pot dude! Otti 4.5Kg same as mine, absolute beast!
  11. Hi dude, Nahh its not chilled just low ambients and that beast of a pump see to the temps Havenet turned on this rig since that run, saving the CPU till i get some LN2 in now
  12. Dude this seems to be system widem My SPi submissions are like that too man
  13. One more http://hwbot.org/community/submission/964006_mutant_tractor_wprime_32m_core_i7_980x_3sec_140ms?tab=info It says world ranking in WPrime32M is 17th but when i click on the world ranking link here: http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/wprime_32m/world_records It doesnt show my result even though it has been validated and submitted about 2 months ago? Thanks, Myles
  14. Hi Massman, My result here: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/975908_mutant_tractor_superpi_32m_pentium_4_520_23min_20sec_672ms Has been saying "calculating rank..." for ages, whats up with it? Cheers! Myles
  15. Ticket ID: 816 Priority: High Hi man,\r\nI see there is an MSI, Gigabyte etc achievement for motherboards,\r\nCan an EVGA Motherboard Fanatic achievement be added please?\r\nI think it would be useful as a lot of people do use EVGA and they are a very large company, i feel they should be included in this,\r\nThe same for Asus motherboards as they are very popular (for example the REx and RIIEx)\r\nRegards,\r\nMyles
  16. Ticket ID: 814 Priority: Medium Hi guys can you add this GPU:\r\nhttp://img714.imageshack.us/img714/7633/49731040.jpg\r\n\r\nThanks!
  17. No probs man thanks, on release day will we get our points back?
  18. Gotcha, Why are these results allowed then? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/960453_ibm390s_wprime_32m_core_i7_980x_3sec_870ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/961031_guerreiro215_pifast_core_i7_980x_15.69_sec http://hwbot.org/community/submission/961036_guerreiro215_superpi_core_i7_980x_7sec_609ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/960959_rsannino_superpi_core_i7_980x_7sec_675ms There are a lot more than that as well?
  19. Hi Guys, Im not sure if this is the right place but my benchmark here: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/960870_mutant_tractor__oc_jesus_wprime_32m_core_i7_980x_3sec_250ms Has had the point i earned from it removed? Is there any reason why? Cheers! MT
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