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Posts posted by Trouffman

  1. Hi Trouffman, are we still reserving a few beds at the nearby hostel?

    I'm still interested if so.


    I confirmed with the Hostel that they till have bedrooms of 4 Beds still available for the 15 - 16 - 17 nights. About 135CAD/pers (all 3 nights with Breakfast)


    It would be You + 3 others that need to confirm if they take this Hostel solution as well :

    interested peopel were : @Wiggles5289 / @GtiJason / @Rasparthe


    You can call them directly and book in a room of 4 people then others will just have to ask to be in the same room :)http://www.hostellingmontreal.com/2/home.hostel


    Need any help, let me know or hit me on Skype : @Trouffman

  2. So I checked a bit around for hotels, airbnb etc.


    I found an hostel nearby my place - it is about 40CAD /night/person with breakfast included and a block away from the event.


    We can (and should) have a complete dormitory for the overclockers (6 to 10 ppl), so it is safe for the stuff.


    If at least 6 of you guys are interested, I will arrange something with the Hostel and you will be able to book there directly, all in the same dormitory ;) - Who's in ?

  3. How i read the data is : Total cash prizes awarded. Total number of player to be awarded something (at least gain a cash prizes). and competitions are total amount of competitions taken into the calculation. On the number of player I am not sure if this is distinct player or not ( for example tekken could have been twie the exact same person to win mmoney, while it would have double the number of player if NONE of the winners of the first competition did not win anything in second comp.

  4. Fellow overclockers,


    The HWBOT World Tour 2016 is spreading through the world and will stop once again in Montreal for the official North America Stop. Since most of you are hyped about it, let's make sure this event deserves a thread with all logistical and organisational informations.




    Infos for HWBOT World Tour 2016 – North America - Montreal: LanETS

    Tickets for HWBOT World Tour 2016 – North America - Montreal: LanETS



    1. Who is going ?

    2. World Tour or freestyle only ?

    3. Who can assist for the OC Workshop ?

    4. Transport mode ? Bringing Dewar ?

    5. Are you ready to share place / room for sleeping ?



    How to get to the event?

    Montreal is accessible by bus, train, plane, or car. Especially as this year location is RIGHT at a bus station and train station location, no excuse :D


    By bus:

    There are 2 bus station (both downtown): Main bus station (Berry UQAM) and Gare Centrale (Place Bonaventure), right where the event will be, so we suggest that you take this one if you have the choice.

    Tickets and Info: busbud.com


    By plane:

    YUL airport is the only one. The bus navette is pretty efficient, runs 24/7, and costs CAD $9 which gives you a day-journey on all buses and metro.

    Taxi from airport is about CAD $45 & so far UBER/LYFT cannot pick you up there.


    Tickets and info: hipmunk.com & google.com/flights.


    By train:

    Usually a bit more expensive than bus. The main train station is Gare Centrale (Bonaventure) and is right where the event will be.

    Tickets and info: viarail.com.


    By car:

    6h from New York City or Toronto. Google maps is your friend!

    The event is at a new, bigger location this year and is also more Downtown, there are parking space available (paid) at the event location : http://placebonaventure.com/en/our-services/parking/



    Hostel : http://www.hihostels.ca/quebec/177/HI-Montr%C3%A9al.hostel

    >> depending how many people we should just rent a complete room there jsut for the overclockers.


    Airbnb : https://www.airbnb.ca/s/montreal?checkin=15-04-2016&checkout=18-04-2016&guests=4&zoom=16&search_by_map=true&sw_lat=45.49320767911061&sw_lng=-73.57014075332654&ne_lat=45.50279040722965&ne_lng=-73.55726615005506&ss_id=8iqquht5


    Participating = bought tickets already














    Gunslinger - Tour





    Interested for Accomodation @Hostel ?



  5. I will be there ( yes thank you captain obvious ) and will be taking care of the Stream and some organisational stuff so no OC, no comp for me :D Just Fun !


    Note : Guys train is a quite efficient way to reach the Gamers Assembly you can check the tickets on the official train-service : http://en.voyages-sncf.com/en/ - Mostly.. Get to Paris then take train to Poitiers (be careful with the Train station change ( there are 4 in paris and in betwen is Metro without any escalators :))


    There is a direct train from Charles de Gaule (CDG_) airport to Poitiers ;)


    From the Poitiers Train Station to the event location, just drop info here I am sure there will be plenty of people to catch you up.

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