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Posts posted by Trouffman

  1. Disclaimer : This thread is aimed to gather opinion and feedback about the Versus OC Game mode experimented by the OCTV Crew. This thread does not predict, ensure or guarantee that your opinion will be implemented in possible formats for fun or as official competitions. Be stay respectful and back your opinion with facts and arguments even if your personal opinion is different.


    Versus OC is a set of competition format aimed to make benching challenging and entertaining



    It's been in our minds for more than a year an half : How can we extend in a practical way the capabilities of the current 1v1 live overclocking competition format? We've actually conducted some private tests earlier this year under the internal code name of 'Versus OC' but this is the first time that we tested one of the possible formats in live in public. Let us share with you some of the opinion and feedback from this test-session.



    Video replay of the live action 1v1 between Steponz & Marc0053




    Overclocking Telemetry Shield Debuts in 1v1v Target Attack Live OC Contest on HWBOT




    OC Games already tested


    OC Game Experiment #A


    Suggested Name : 1vs1 Target Attack

    Video :


    Rules are still in the making, refer to this video for the first draft round with a few more explanations :


    Rules currently (v0.2) are:


    - Each player has 3 lives per game

    - A game is made of multiple sets (max 10), each set = 1 random target (min = top Air Cooling score at HWBOT // max = Top HWBOT Score +1)

    - 1 Target is drawn per set

    - 1 set lasts for 5 minutes with 1min cooldown period in between each set.


    Game Rules for Lives

    Hit target = end of set, looser looses life, winner gets an extra one (3 lives max per player)

    Both No Hit, closest keeps life (delto from player score to target), looser looses one.

    Both No score = loose life

    Both same score = loose life

    Both have same distance = loose life


    Game ends when someone has no more lives.

    Games is maximum 10 sets.



    Feedback :

    Perceived Pros :



    Perceived Cons :



    Suggested Improvements :




    More details soon




    OC Game Experiment #B


    More details soon







    Useful feedback information


    To make the best out of the feedback and keep the discussion flowing without being a complete mess.


    Refer to the Game experiment Tag (the letter + possibly the ID of the run).

    And the benchmarks used or try out (number).


    All constructive feedback with argument is welcome. If you got ideas for rules or mode, drop them here :D

  2. The funding/vendor discussion is totally irrelevant within the point algorythm discussion.


    I see this r7 as a way to adjust more easily the weight of benches as well.


    I like that the score is based relative on the top score, being second with 10point difference vs 2nd with 5000point difference makes it challenging and easier to relate at the same time.


    I can see the point adjustement being a good discussion over the next few month as well.


    A "merit" of a bench have been discussed quite a lot over the years, some people think 3d merit more, some say oldies merit more. In the end thoses are mostly PERSONAL preferences. How a good oc in egypt would be more valuable than the same score / hardware in sweden ? One for sure drive respect because of the environmental condition of the achievement, but this is something completly out of hand of an algorythm.


    Tldr; : anything regarding merit based on personal preference is just circle spinning :D


    Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

  3. Live Stream deets?


    No official planning as there are some unknown variable ( internet etc ).


    The stream will be a very relax one ( open-mic ), more improvised on the show side as well, this will be like a friends stream all the way on which we will try some stuff out :D with some new peoples and new way of arranging things.


    Most likely will be like this :

    - Friday evening Stream test / setup + open chat

    - Saturday All day - open mic + SPECIAL EXCLUSIV Live OC action testing :) (this is what we teased on in The OC Show S03E08 -


    - Sunday : Packing up ( we got to leave not too late for Tim to catch his flight and Marc/me drive all the way back.


    EDIT : best is to subscribe to https://www.twitch.tv/overclockingtv for the notifications

  4. Trouff.. you aunt benching. Glad to see you coming out.. if ya come down earlier.. that Thursday I might set something up in philly... :)


    I will be driving down with Marc0053 ;) so this would be near impossible to be there before friday...


    EDIT : teasing : Maybe i will bring a package with me xD


    Anyone goign to as major city / airport after the event ?

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