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Everything posted by Trouffman

  1. Depends the country your are from. Most of the time you wont need. Tell me your citizenship and I will tell you ig there are visa needs. For usa : no requirement... General rule : just be polite x
  2. Dont think ypu will have issues as long as the dewars are empty if they ask question show them the videos always worked for me
  3. Got my tickets indeed Still unsure if i take day off for it or not - Not much interestd by the show anymore but would love to see the OC people
  4. Hey guys, As I send away the garden table that i use for ages as a secondary desk i was wondering what kind of setup you guys have for benching ? and of course a poll with that ! * Straight on the dinng table ? * straight on the desk and struggling to get enough space * Dedicated Desk (which size ?) * IKEA Desk * No need table... also wonderign what you gys do to keep space to work ont he modding etc on a separate desk or the same. Also for the monitor, to you try to lift them above the desk so the bench setup is not in front ? What do you use to sort your gear ? My actual desk :
  5. Well... there is always proof !
  6. https://soundcloud.com/coldharbourrecordings/sets/coldharbour-day-2014 Yes... 32hours of pure trance. Just enought to fill a conplete week of work with nice tunes !
  7. Cney ? We know you prefer guy nude pictures... sotry to dissapoint you. At least with these kind of sauna pics we wont shock 2/3 of the US overclockers... (no no no i'm not trolling)
  8. Agteed with Monstru.. that is sauna-themed picture !
  9. Well.. this escalated quickly...
  10. As massman was announcing it live with us this is the final ranking unles an "unspotted cheat" is detected but you passed the christian ney filter so no trouble to expect here ^^
  11. ObscurePradix you are right. It is NOT against any countries or people but a matter of rules. I think there is a misbelief rhregarding previous events and a confusion was made. Anyhow rules are rules and hwbot judges and cinpetituon judges are independant in their jidge role. Rules are rules and MSI is making them, in accordance with hwvot (to my understanding). In the end it is only aboit a rule that this came to a score being unauthorised. As said sometimes it is buggy run but rules are quite mature nowdays : "run at default settings" was one of them. Also conpetition are worldwide and the dimension of personal perspective or country gdp, ease of acces etc doesn't play into this.. because it is way too subjective. I'm sad too to not see a middles east ocer but well.. same a we dont see any swedish, or talian (even if many particpate) Hope tgis case is understood correctly.
  12. This competition qualifier is litteraly a warzone... I love that ViVi put the bomb image in the submission
  13. Seems like a good opportunity to explain the bit and bytes to new guys !
  14. Sam OCX : as long as you dont fall the stairs and end up in the hospital you can bench non stop.
  15. This is the score using the OC Genie button on the MSI z97 XPOWER AC
  16. I can see Pepino coming with the MSI MOA rules
  17. Basic test with XTU and the G3258
  18. I definetly love this ! The team pairing is interesting at least !
  19. Wth ?
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