Hey guys !
An other feature that we've speak with some guys @ Syndrome-OC...
Why not create a ranking with the country of each clockers ?
I'll explain why I speak about this :
- Lot of users join teams that is "international" teams, the best example is XS , you can find all the country in that team !
- We 'seen appearing some bench team like OCTF and OCTBE for example...
- With this ranking we can easily compare where come from the best overclockers, what is the country where the Overclocking is a "National" sports, or have stats Per country and not only per team !
So, just added a line on the registration form with all the country name --> everyone choose its country and ranking will be calculated with this information ?
Same stats that the team ranking :
Hall of Fame :: Country
Position country total-hwboint total-users total-submitted-scores best Clockers
Let us know what you think about this :!