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Everything posted by Trouffman

  1. Looool ! I do actually have that in my head every time i hear the song... downclock for what. I clock for what ? Etc...
  2. On z87 mpower & mppwer max ac it always says vid 1.078
  3. So xtu isreally pkpular in north america according to this graph oO
  4. It is the number of ocers registered ? Edit : okay it seems. Interesting.
  5. Massman can we have a bit more detail ab oO ut which graphic represent wahht ?
  6. BY the way.. here are my 2 cents... This is a COMPETITION with rule from ORGANISER and it OFFER FREE tripp to do what we all like. We could discuss and complain as much as we want on rules... we don`t make them, once you participate you agree and have to comply with it. There is actually a lot of discussions that could be triggered from this... the way to run online comp, the way to get official comp qualifier etc. In the end... If there is 50 out of the 100 top hockey players in a league, there is still only 1 team that can go to a WW event based on country. You will never have canada vs Canada in WW Hokcey games basedon country and that is the goal : compare / compete countries. anyway stop talking and keep benching ! NB : this post was sponsored by the TrollMaster 101 - Your trolling level just got higher !
  7. Do they drink the same amount of beer than you ?
  8. Just gor got two g3258 batch : 3420b754 ... 1.064v in hwmonitor and cpu-z for default
  9. I would take 2 * 1L and 2 * 0.5L I can arrange the general order in Canada for those that want it.
  10. And i felt happy about it... http://hwbot.org/user/underscore/ Note to self : bench and stop doing shit around Did you help a rookie recently ?
  11. Even in Montréal its expensibe.. about 5$/l... with small qua tity. But once you go avove 50l the price drop (not the same ditri).. Cost basically the same for 50l or 180l, its just not the same appro workflow and restrictio n (cannot bring a 180l dewar to my home for example.)
  12. Someone had insight !!!!!!!
  13. From now on poatoes is written : potatoek
  14. I would had that the expected location wohld be close from the train ststion.
  15. Bwahaha ^^
  16. Micul : the expected time is late q1 and more precisely february/march.
  17. Oh yeah right... it's canada.. so... here 18 and you are a grow adult.. no need to wait 21
  18. So as Massman failed so hard... Expected Location : Montreal - Canada Expected time : Late Q1 2015 Note : To my USA fellas , yes this time YOU guys will have to cross the border ! ahahah
  19. Cannot attend sadly...
  20. bwahahahaha ! So damn true !
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