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Posts posted by suzuki








    If my score is beaten in a week I win....


    Lol :)))).

    You have a week to beat his score,if you submit a better score than his he has a week to take back the title.

    Second counter is for those who have they're score beaten at the end of the week (sandbag) so it gives them the posibillity for 24 hrs retaliation.

    The whole ammount of time of retaliations and days when you can submit is the 3rd counter ,which is the whole period of time.

    At least is what i understood in my challenges.







    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  2. This thread did not get an answer as quick as my thread with complains got deleted, weird....


    Pretty sure this is not on purpose but rather a lack of interest .




    As long as there is no competition for this site,any other place where to submit scores,the sponsorship will go on other purposes,not on the expected improvement :).



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  3. I was more for the 285 classy as i've read that 580 is already insulated,not really a big fan of those. @ozzie -take the card,he has a very good deal on it,i was on his shoes when i sold my hardware and i know how difficult is to organize a sale and please everybody.

    Good luck with the sale !



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  4. He reserved it for me along with gtx 285 but i asked something else after and still waiting for the reply. @ozzie - If you really desire that gpu i can drop out the reservation(i have 9 of them) and will wait for pricing on gtx 285 separate plus 7350k.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  5. I have Maximus 5 extreme and z77 oc formula and arround 200 gb of ddr3 (psc /hyper/samsung/bbse) ,the only thing missing is that sweet cpu :D.

    I think a 5.6 ghz@1.45v in 2c htt disables is possible. No info on the imc unfortunately,it might be a bad one as not all the 3770k were great on this chapter.



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  6. I was testing my collection of skt 775 boards and i found 2xRex and a P5e3 premium to be faulty,no video signal.

    How is this possible,they stayed in the box,some for 3 years now.

    Any possibe fix ?

    Nbb gets hot,same with cpu,all fans and lights are working.

    What caused this ?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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