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Posts posted by suzuki

  1. Want to trade 3 sticks of the above kit with 2x8 gb b-die capable of 4133+ 12-11-11 spi32m Wazza.(z270 APEX or MOCF CONFIRMED KITS,need clear screen with timings)

    The 3 sticks come from a quad kit from which one stick died under mysterious causes.

    Upon request i can offer the airflow fan and the box,


    Link for original kit : https://www.amazon.de/Corsair-Dominator-Platinum-Hochleistungs-Arbeitsspeicher-Airflow/dp/B01GELBHG4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1514057501&sr=8-2&keywords=corsair+dominator+platinum+ddr4+3600


    If someone can help me with warranty over corsair,it would be much appreciated !

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