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Everything posted by sergiorb

  1. Last minutes to know the winners...
  2. I think people don't need to fight or be agressive to be asked; is just show that's only a coincidence. People can solve the troubles in a polite way. ;
  3. Still in development? I though is an important change.
  4. So bonanza continues http://hwbot.org/submission/2271768_dhenzjhen_pcmark_2005_2x_opteron_6272_5494_marks No overclock...no tweak...memory relax. I really can not understand, sorry, but looks like is not important to overclock. Just run
  5. Thats not my way of view... This submission needs to be worked, but earned less ponts that easy submissions
  6. Thanks to understanding. IMHO there are many guys working to get better scores, and still working hard they can not take 600...700 points... In my opinion, is not a valid argument to talk about efficiency, operating system, because there are no results for comparison. If some here think is right compete against himself (alone) and still win many points, I think is different. For me, only deserve points for those who work for it, and that means at least have overclocked the system and played with others (not valid #1 best for 1 results).
  7. Nothing agains you @dhenzjhen and nothing agains nobody but I really think is a very easy way to go high. I am sure if I have the same (with 64 cores), I will bench, but at least to try to improve my Mhz..., but I don't think is correct to earn lots and lots of points without 1 mhz more (no overclocking). I did not know this thread borandi, thank you to inform me but let me know how is the correct way to suggest, and I will do.
  8. What are you talking about "hate" . I didn´t say nothing about . I only thing that in a Overclocling league , at least you have to overclock your sistem . Regarding the notebooks , I Think there are nothing to change. because notebooks usually can not be overclocked BUT notebooks are not allowed to give you lots and lots of points.
  9. Thanks to reply politely way. I only bring this question because I believe that to hold #1 and to earn lots and lots of hwboints (equal people do with lots of effort), to OVERCLOCK the system is needed. I only bring this question because I can not see 50 Mhz of overclocking (and here still an OVERCLOCKING league). So, please understand I am not here to fight, but only to show that inside hwbot (OVERCLOCKING league), is possible to hold this achievement without "no one mhz more" at stock cooling, stock frequencies. I understand and respect your point of view and I hope you understand mine. That's not question about "kind of hardware people use to get" .... but ... to get without overclock (please, at least a lit bit of Mhz more must be needed). Nothing against you, and nothing against the rules, and only show a little failure . I am here alone and don't represent Brazil or other, and no one Brazilian can be benefit or damaged because this results.
  10. I can only talk about my threads, and There are no "gazilion" because i have few posts here. I really can not afford workstations but where did you see I am against something here? Its not familiar to me. I did bring a thread about the achievements and fast agreeded, I only posted what "I" think is correct. I just posted things I think, and quite educational. I was not rude or aggressive with anyone, and I believe in a democratic place where everyone can give their ideas. Not sure why you reply angry against me. If for you, just owning a top hardware to be on top of the rankings, I think differently. Why can not you respect my point of view as I respond politely with you without add others in the discussion without offending, and without trying to impose or force others to think the same way as you. I'm sure many times, people thinks like me, just as there are people who think same what you say.
  11. I really do not understand why you are talking this way about this thread, if this thread don't help nobody in my team, in my country and I do not understand why you are talking about others there are not here and are not belong to this thread. I simply post one thing "I" think is curious, and "I" told is honest way and easy; "I" do not tell was fail and do not tell us unfair, and do not tell we have or do not have this kind of hardware, and do not tell I have or I do not have how to get. This is not about "to have" or to do not have", is only about the title (and I believe you do not need to be tight this way if you disagree thats really easy to compete alone and get about 60 global points only to run benchmark). You do not need to talk this way, and I do not offernd anyone with this thread. If you disagree the thread, I understand, but you don't need to FORCE another to think exactly like you. The thread to me is ended too. I bring this because I (one me, no more need to be mention because my topic) think is really easy like the post title. And please sorry my bad englisg
  12. Why you talk about other brazilian overclockers, if the thread was done by me? Who is the brazilian overclocker that will be helped with this thread? I really don't know what reason you have to talk about others, without to "flame" the topic. ATM I only follow hwbot because I like and the reason the post is not "to you" or "to your friends". I only found that people can easy go to the top with workstations and shared to the forum.. That's only. I do not like you mean others in my thread please, if you wanna offend me, do it with me, and please do not talk about my country because we have about 500 OCCs that can agree or disagree with me
  13. No! It,s not direct to someone and the reason of the thread is not to you agree with me POV (once I can not see no one job there); Nobody I know will be pushed because this results, and I really don't mind with this. I only found a curious stuff, and noticed that is just to run the benchmark to achive great scores and hwboints. If you like my topic or no, to me, is the same, because I no matter what you think. I only bring what I believe can be thinking by the BOT
  14. Looks like don't need to overclock hard to be in top 10 I noticed sometimes don't need to have lots of effort get good scores. Curious scores can give lots of points, and better, you don't need to overclock hard your system...is just run the benchmark. You will understand: And many more there Nice catch to get lots of points easy (honest way, because follow the hwbot rules). Think about it
  15. Overclockers The reason I posted was not to a fight inside the topic. I posted cause I saw the results, and I think rsaninno WR result can be bugged. So I looked for his results, noticed he still have a great 4 cards result and keep on the top. But I don't understand why he got 1400 mhz with 2 cards and 1500 Mhz 3 cards (???). Then I noticed the file was incomplete, and think same than Ronaldo (the screens must be inside validation file). So, I checked Andre result and is the same. So....my question was...why rsaninno got complete screen with 4 cards but not to 3 cards, ..., can be cause system freeze or something like this. To me, validation file complete is the rule, but if is not the rule and only screenshot is needed, hwbot will tell me. I just don't know why we can only submit the score with Unigine file. rsaninno and Andre was great overclockers ad don't need to do nothing worn to prove it, but mistake can happen (forgot too) @Andre - you don't need more points Andre. leave to the guys working to be #2 and please attempt I have no insinuation about your result to be not real.
  16. I am overclocker and when I started, I learned that it should follow the rules before to post the results. I have not posted much, but I follow the evolution of overclocking and I am one of the people who help make overclocking events, publishing, and also doing a marketing and following overclocking friends. For many, many times in my sessions and events, happened to lose the result can not validate. Were often frozen screen, often corrupted files, often losing results that later I could not again, because I DO NOT post result is disagree with the rules. The rules are clear and HWBOT are for EVERYONE. I can not understand if there is protectionism for overclockers because they are "super overclockers." The results below are TOTALLY outside the rules. The rules say. Open CPUZ (memory and CPU) Open GPUZ Save the screen Submit online (the file) http://hwbot.org/submission/2239367_andreyang_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_(dx11)_4x_radeon_hd_7970_7542.73_dx11_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2262302_rsannino_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_(dx11)_3x_radeon_hd_7970_7547.2_dx11_marks In the first case, the number one (the best overclocker for me) Andre Yang, did not open any screen, and I am sure the result is true, but I CAN NOT AND MUST NOT be understand why it was accepted, because it is outside the rules. In the second case, do not believe is real and I believe it is a BUG (which ran two 2 cards with 1400 Mhz and I could not run three cards at 1500 Mhz), and is TOTALLY is disagree with rules, because official validation have no GPUZ and CPUZ infos. rsaninno will continue to be #1 in this benchmark because because he haves this result. http://hwbot.org/submission/2261866_rsannino_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_(dx11)_4x_radeon_hd_7970_7423.98_dx11_marks it is a real and valid, and rsaninno KNOWS that he needs to open CPUZ and GPUZ infos. This result keep rsaninno in the first place to Unigine. If the hwbot opens exception for these two results, change the rules and should be made. Save the file Once saved, complete data and GPUZ CPUZ. I do not know if the results would be worth if they were not posting 2 super overclockers, but the rules were not followed and there is a need to remove the two results. If this is not done, and if the hwbot be fair to everyone, you better change the rules and allow only save the file, nothing else in the background. What is right? To remove results that not follow the rules because is mandatory complete screen, regardless who is the overclocker; and if the overclocker coud not open and complete his result, result can not be valid. I hope you understand.
  17. Any news about this thread? I have no heard about separate achievements to diferent leagues.
  18. Isso no futebol é bem normal , os imcapazes torcem comtra os times do proprio país para tentar contornar a sua dor de cotovelo . No overclocking isso não pode acontecer pois sabemos quão difícil é para difundi-lo no Brasil . Devemos tecer elogios a pessoas como rbuass e faster pois nos representam muito bem . Infelizmente , isto sempre acontece , pessoas invejosas e recalcadas usam desse artifícil descabível ao invés de trabalhar e usar o cerebro para sí proprio. Nosso amigo cangaceiro deveria olhar os vencedores , inclusive o faster que é do proprio time ou , por que não , o rbuass que sempre ajuda as pessoas que depositam confiança nele e parar com essa cizãnia imbecíl . O cangaço já acabou e o modo como se porta é ridículo . O que postou em um vídeo super legal http://www.pcproject.com.br/corsair-apresenta-overclocker-ronaldo-buassali-em-overclock-extremo-na-campus-party-brasil/30972 - no pcproject só mostra inveja pura , mais nada .
  19. Fale de você projeto de Lampião . O rbuass é o melhor overclocker profissional da America Latina , um dos melhores do mundo , defende o overclocking no Brasil como ninguém basicamente com esforço proprio ( se só agora ele é ajudado é por esforço proprio e é reconhecido porque ele é bom e pessoas como você são menosprezadas porque envergonham o país e tem mais é que ser menosprezadas mesmo ) e ainda tem que pensar em responder para pessoas insignificantes que , ao invéz de dar valor À pessoa que representa o próprio país , fica desdenhando os outros . Quer fazer bonito ??? Trabalhe e chegue proximo , quando chegar entre os 10 melhores profissionais aí será uma briga ao mesmo nível .
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