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Everything posted by amirhosein

  1. see that when i try to chang my nick name on forum main page Automatically Cr8 a new aconut (amirhosein) i think main page hase back door plz fix it
  2. nop it's not work yes i can see too but i cant login pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp i think password reset have softwear bug. i didnt khow why?
  3. any admin can't help me ?????????????????/
  4. my account is hacked OR have problem

    plz handel it :



    best regaurd !


  5. hi every body in the afternoon i send a request for the change Nickname in this topic http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=357075#post357075 (from Game theory to IR.Oc.Godfather) and now i have seriosly problem on login to HWBOT.ORG change password is not working true. i tried to change my pass but all my submits is gone admin's plz handel it best reguard! Amirhosein manager of game theory account
  6. hi body push it , evry things about coldwar and your RAM push it
  7. change my nick name from Game theory to IR.Oc.Godfather (just like that)
  8. hi dear don-dan u are right. But i let it go, 7 month ago dude tnx for u'r comment
  9. .............. i just like to smile, smiling is my favorite ............ do u wat i mean ?
  10. lol Finally MR.sam comming dear sam i am NOT entering in the ovclocking margin Evry body can see Evidence "Best scores show up on frontpage only for 24 hours. I made my submissions yesterday evening so it's natural that they are gone now." really ? =)) :XOX
  11. hahahaha What can I do , when in my country Overclocking has 4x cost Than the Euro OR US ? What can I do , when christian ney dont accepted all the videos and photos MY OC Rig do u wat i mean ? even if i submit 9 GHZ white vishera no body blive me do u remmber , WYTIWX +8.4 on Cedar Mill ? no body belive wey untill he upload video do u wat i mean ? i upload video but some body edited my sub whiteout my permission do u wat i mean ? ====================================== and now can u explain why all tapakah submit deleted on 1st page and billboard but any point's not deleted ? do u wat i mean ?
  12. plz evry body see that link: http://hwbot.org/submission/2732825_tapakah_wprime___1024m_core_2_e8400_(3.0ghz)_6min_36sec_749ms this submit share on social network soon
  13. plz evry body see that link: http://hwbot.org/submission/2732825_tapakah_wprime___1024m_core_2_e8400_(3.0ghz)_6min_36sec_749ms this submit share on social network soon
  14. plz evry body see that link: http://hwbot.org/submission/2732825_tapakah_wprime___1024m_core_2_e8400_(3.0ghz)_6min_36sec_749ms this submit share on social network soon
  15. plz evry body see that link: http://hwbot.org/submission/2732825_tapakah_wprime___1024m_core_2_e8400_(3.0ghz)_6min_36sec_749ms
  16. Recalculate ranking and point really sahmy edited my sub ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? plz evry body see that link: http://hwbot.org/submission/2732825_tapakah_wprime___1024m_core_2_e8400_(3.0ghz)_6min_36sec_749ms
  17. shame fullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  18. OH My God my point again disabel but sam have some Illegal point sorry for admins plz disable all sam point OR I raised a complaint in the forum shame on u,tapakah have some Illegal point
  19. shame fullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
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