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Everything posted by amirhosein

  1. shame fullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  2. ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah yes-yes-yes-yes................................................................... but i am just IR.MAN BUT..........................................................
  3. ha ha ha ha ha ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ha ha ha ha ha ha really congras sam bla bla bla bla sam @ christin i invite u to watch this music video " Just Lose It NQ" Exclucive for u :XOX tnx for block my point chris =================================================== After more than 7 mothe Game theory Will be back to Extrem League resub all my E8400 and re test for 1ST place oh boy
  4. hi sam 73809 on E5200 Huge Effi my bro . can u explain that how u can get this whit ddr3 ? (huge Effi distance but u'r Frq distance isnt huge) can u give us same effi on air white this timming and ram Frq ? OR can u show us same effi on air whit 1:2 for ram ? can u give some info about u'r mobo and RAM ? i thought some where u said that : for Wprim need pic from RIG . han ?
  5. tnx poorya for this hi sam 73809 on E5200 Huge Effi my bro . can u explain that how u can get this whit ddr3 ? (huge Effi distance but u'r Frq distance isnt huge) can u give us same effi on air white this timming and ram Frq ? OR can u show us same effi on air whit 1:2 for ram ? can u give some info about u'r mobo and RAM ? i thought some where u said that : for Wprim need pic from RIG . han ?
  6. 79507 good maximum effi on conroe big like 4 u sam
  7. that's all......................................?
  8. if u loved her like u'r cat ,Why do not you learn to her extrem overclocking i see,she Interested to extrem
  9. hala ke hazine kardi cpu badi ham nadari boro soraghe gpu haye rade paiin
  10. khili khobe afrin vali aziz tosie mikonam az over injor cpuha va pointahash sarfe nazar koni chon . . . . . az overclock baede ye modat zade mishi
  11. finally,After a long time somebody Raising a flag up tnx farjam for this run,really really good run. we need more than this, we want .........
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