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Everything posted by amirhosein

  1. great holger .king of pcmark i check evry cpu u have strong record on pcmark ,i say : let's ditch pcmark and benching other 2D's
  2. tnx my guy's . sam you have got wrong smell check u'r email for more how ever batch number is : 301a297
  3. nice,great work ..............faghat mishe begi bray cooling chi estefade kardi? ......tnx
  4. hi guy's cpu is very ok dont have cold bug it is low voltage freez on defulte profile and temp under -100 sure mobo is problem because white an other mobo every things is ok
  5. yep on air evry thing is fine any idea ? any body have idea?
  6. hi guy's sorry if that topic not in right place i have funny problem white my crosshair v formula when i want to get test white ln2 that mobo caught on dram and debuger show cod=54 and clrcmos and plugoff noting help to get post again and fully freez i most to get out cpu from socket and f...... test i try all beta bios but noting help cpu=8320 damn damn damn crosshair v formula
  7. wow great work , just try to buy xeon 3200dp and rebeanch if ...............
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