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Everything posted by Andrix85

  1. Hi boys, I would like to send my MSI Z77 GD65 to RMA to solve this fix multi and because it boot and don't boot sometimes, but I accidentally bent some PINs on the socket. I have arranged them; do you think MSI accept my RMA request ? This is the foto of the Socket: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/dsc0151w.jpg/ Thanks
  2. Thanks Sam, I try as suggest you to me. I hope to resolve.
  3. Hi boys, I have this new configuration and I have some problems with the stability of the ram GEIL ULTRA PLUS PC312800 1600MHZ CL 7-7-7-24 2X2GB KIT. The ram are certificated to run on MVG and I know that have POWERCHIP as the GEIL BLACK DRAGON. With Ivy Bridge I saw test at 2133 MHZ CL 7-10-7-27 1T @ 1.6125V and at 2240 MHZ CAS 8. How can I setting the RAM in to the bios ? There are too many parameters to setting. Thanks
  4. Grande Gigio...Mi hai sfilato il primato...
  5. Hi Boys..I have a 2600K that can do 5700MHZ with 1.65V with SS. What possibility Can I Have with 3770K with SS ?
  6. Impressive score !!! What are your tweaks ?
  7. Nice Mat...How is the new G1.Sniper M3 in oc ? As Maximus Gene V ?
  8. Ho provato ma niente...Probabilmente è il limite proprio della CPU...Già a 1.65V inizia a scaldare di brutto...Non è una CPU molto fortunata purtroppo...
  9. Keep pushing Gigio on CPU FREQUENCY with PHASE CHANGE...
  10. I understand ! But I have the 1399 ME with 10.5 bios and no issues under Phase Change. The issues have arrived under Dry Ice with 38X locked multi. I upgrade the ME to 1464 version and the mboard had the same issues. Yesterday the mboard was no longer booting and I opted to RMA.
  11. I have flashed the ME with DOS. I ask RMA to the shop...
  12. Congrats......You don't have problems with MSI Z77 GD65...My mboard is going to RMA !!! Don't boot...
  13. Yesterday i flash the new ME version 1464 with the bios 10.5V but anything, same problem 38x multi max. Today I put the sytem air cooled but the mboard turn on for many seconds and than torn off. I saw the red LED DrMOS and only one LED Phases. Why? In Italy today was very very hot, 38°, 39°.
  14. I have the 1399 ME VERSION. I try to flash the last 1464 but nothing. Do you say that I can try to flash an eralier verison ?
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