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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. [hwbot=2211850]submission[/hwbot] & [hwbot=2211851]submission[/hwbot] It's not easy to compete with a C2Q against Core i7
  2. He did his homework
  3. Submission: http://hwbot.org/submission/2211103_ His verification link: 3DMark Vantage submission's verification field: I love this guy, he did not fail though
  4. sent to *@intel.com Approved, RMA will be not
  5. Find which are bugged and which are not then you WIN! http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=22522
  6. Naaa you are not yet in the list if you let me submite my AM2.1 score with GF 9400M that I deserve
  7. If it shoots people I don't like, then yes, I will buy a bunch of those
  8. MARS II is just a GTX 590 with higher clocks, please submite under GTX 590
  9. I haven't found the 5448MHz one, only this one http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php will dig more
  10. #2 MaxxMem worldrecord , keep pushin Roger
  11. but afaik it's not allowed for this comp right (MSI Control Center to change multiplier) ?
  12. Modded: Setup: Cooling: GPU Temp: Memory Voltage: GPU Voltage:
  13. You and me, tomorrow(today btw), 8:00 AM, harass massman on msn , Let's invite Knut and Sam too, to have a party
  14. Especially that I wasn't able to post score before because massman just added GF 9400M (integrated) today and that my laptop wasn't with me today (due to single stage fixed on it, a bit hard to go to university and on the bus with ) So I ran so fast like a madman to be home before midnight 23:50 ''door open'' 23:51 ''remove bench ssd, plug drive with H24 OS on my laptop'' 23:52 ''remove single stage from my laptop'' 23:53 ''disable OC and start windows 7'' 23:54 ''trying to upload score... comp is over... FFFUUUUUUUU'' 23:54 ''post in forum''
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