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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Effectivement 24pts c'est pas mal tu te souviens pas avoir eu une valid a 24 ou 30 pts par hazard ?
  2. next is GTX 580 PCB on GF4 Ti 4200
  3. Hello clarion, the cpu-z validation owner(name) must match with your hwbot name. Who is Xenic ? Ok, after investigation, Xenic made this record in 2009
  4. who want my 6.3 GHz i7 2600K ? €2000
  5. I trusted dino And Deux too And sam as well
  6. any test or arguments, want to understand why it's so wrong, I made some really good run with. Haven't tested without paste or other paste though
  7. Is Arctic Silver Ceramique so bad for LN2 ?
  8. On my side I use Arctic Silver Ceramique 10€ for 22 grams
  9. Photoshop you are doing it wrong Too much overclocking on the graphics memory really weird, no any atrifacts in 3D but back to 2D you see
  10. This is the white one, I saw the grey one not boxed that has been sold for $2'054.00
  11. before was also x86 secret afaik and now it's canardpc
  12. More pics when it's done, What you need: A better soldering iron than mine IDE Cable x4 One AGP board where you cut the AGP slot One AGP Card were you cut the AGP connector Why such a thing ? Too lazy to buy a GPU LN2 pot, so it will allow me to use my CPU LN2 pot on agp cards Optional: DIP Switch to allow you to provide your own 3.3v from a modded psu to provide 3.6v for SDR memory chips. Or sold a custom PCB that can provide 3.6v directly from the 3.3v of the psu.
  13. I saw one validation with fsb x2 and multiplier x2
  14. pcchips still alive ? got only one pcchips motherboard
  15. You have to use another browser than windows IE, with Chrome, FireFox it works
  16. CPUs are single cpus but the internal amount of core matters for ranking in multithreaded benchs Should be the same with SSD imo, as it's for cpu/graphics cards EDIT: As massman told me
  17. Please submite as follow:
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