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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Et quand tu fais une soumission, tu check bien le 2eme et pas le premier comme ici: ''(translation for others: and when you submite, do you check the second one and not the first one like on the following picture ?'' Si oui, alors fait une soumission au bol, genre un score pas haut et du hardware au bol et montre moi.
  2. check if here: http://hwbot.org/profile/ (my account) ''I do not wish to participate in the HWBOT rankings.'' is checked, if it is then uncheck it and save settings
  3. , need to give them my benchtable and my xeon rotatory cooling system to review. Go for 10/10
  4. I translated just for you in the main post: I have doubts about your photoshoping detector: http://www.crucial.com/eu/store/partspecs.aspx?IMODULE=BL25664RF1608 :p:p Fixed
  5. it's ok, ranking and points, but the server hasn't updated it on the page yet
  6. physx enabled on nvidia drivers but disabled on the benchmark, see the score, 17'000 points is a right cpu score for a i7 2630QM
  7. the 29th of july was my birthday, here are some pics of the gift my gf offered me It's the Crucial memory stick with French Edition heatspreader design ''J'ai tellement envie de toi'' stands for ''I want you so much''
  8. agree with chipsy and massman, but on a separated ranking, or do like I said. btw, @ knut, I think you didn't get my point
  9. just an idea that came to mind. Remove actual pcmark05 (this means keep current scores, points, golds) like you did with sisoftsandra(aka remove the ability to submite results). Then add the new pcmark05 with rules reworked(different ranking than the old pcmark05). doing so old pcmark05 results will not be so easy beaten by the new rules, imo its fair
  10. thanks bro, unfortunately the frequency generator ICS9250-37 there is on the PCB is only up to 156MHz support Will check if there is a way to mod it or remove it and use another frequency generator that has 1mhz increment and up to 200 MHz
  11. Ticket ID: 1323 Priority: High Can you please add it, http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1932399 thx
  12. Fixed, next time put the score and add CPU-Z memory tab in the screenshot , it's mandatory
  13. was already hard to trust me when I said ''all the computer parts you will find in my bags are parts of my own built laptop (more a mobile computer)'' having my Alienware m17x on my hands -.- ''Yes, I need 5 motherboards and 88 cpus for my laptop, 1 cpu every 4 hours, cpus are perishable ''
  14. WTF... after removing all hardware from my bag, only clothes left then -.-
  15. hey bro, you put the superpi screenshot here for your wprime1024 submission I know it's old (2007) but maybe you still have the screenshot somewhere ?
  16. you are far far away If I change the white pieces for blue pieces and add some yellow pieces as column, I think yes
  17. too bad that the board seems to be dead during the wprime1024 run, need to fix it and maybe buy a new bios chip, damn how much water around the socket
  18. SuperPi32M ranking for all Pentium 3 / Celeron Pentium 3, all results are wrong, 1 hour has been added to all results (instead of 1h40min20s it's written 2h40min20s) ho btw: prepopulated picture still not working good and prepopulated field ''comment'' still not working
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