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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. I can bench other things at the same time, I have got 3 bench systems ;) And I am not as GEEK(-GEEK +stupid) to watch the full bench.
  2. I will try it ( with a pentium downclocked to 20 mhz ) and also dowclocked card and MipMap - 3, full aliasing, anisotropy. 10 Mark would be : 0.01 fps => 5200 / 0.01 => 520000 / 60 /60 => 144 hours Next Challenge :D:D:D:D
  3. You have to try over and over , for me it took 2 weeks :D. As I have 3 Bench System it was OK
  4. @ BenchZowner, FYI : Aquamark is not only a DirectX 9 bench ( can work @ DX 8 even DX 7 ). And Turrican said for him the screenshot is OK
  5. I don't know, but good job, I am not as good in tweaking. Mine was working, maybe yours too. Try and see . Yes the big explosing seems to be removed, beacause after downclocking the card, I was watching the end of the bench, and I haven't seen any explosion like before.
  6. Ticket ID: 960 Priority: Medium PNY should be added, please.\r\nThank you
  7. HI, your card has got 128 Bit and not 64 Bit as GF4 MX420 DDR
  8. HI, your card has got 128 Bit and not 64 Bit as GF4 MX420 DDR
  9. HI, your card has got 128 Bit and not 64 Bit as GF4 MX420 DDR
  10. HI, your card has got 128 Bit and not 64 Bit as GF4 MX420 DDR
  11. HI, your card has got 128 Bit and not 64 Bit as GF4 MX420 DDR
  12. HI, your card has got 128 Bit and not 64 Bit as GF4 MX420 DDR
  13. Yes I have searched it too, cause it's the driver who is crashing at about 5050 fps of the bench, it's beaucause the card is not as powerful, she doesn't support the explosion . That why I have underclocked it, doing so she is as unpowerful that the explosion is not calculated, so she can reach the end of the bench
  14. @ DrSwizz, Impossible to run 3DMark01, and Aquamark always crashing after 16 hours for me that why I have downclocked it, the drivers were : for WindowsXP : http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/legacy-xp.aspx Select the 2nd one ( Rage Pro ).
  15. Yes after downclocking mem and core cause she was always crashing at the really end of the bench even @ stock
  16. Don't want to retry. Have I the worst Aquamark score ?
  17. Only Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia. Sigh
  18. FYI : CPU-Z 1.55 doesn't work on Windows 98, you have to use CPU-Z 1.54
  19. But we ( switzerland ) have won the European Champion/World Champion => Spain ( 1-0 ) , So WE ARE THE WINNER
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