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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Ticket ID: 1022 Priority: High thx
  2. Ticket ID: 1021 Priority: High Here is the GPU-Z screenshot :\r\nhttp://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2843/prosavage48a26.gif
  3. Everything's fine, the fact is I don't want to aim any moderator, he is not the only one I have seen with an ''hardware limited'' card result.
  4. Report only if the score looks weird ( according to the GPU/CPU ), and also if it's not too old.
  5. For who doesn't understand what is ''FPS breakdown'' it's the ''details window'' of the result that is showing the average FPS for each GT( Game Tests )
  6. @ 1Day There is a lot of cards, but I will show you only one for exemple : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1021987_christian_ney_3dmark_2003_radeon_7000_sdr__radeon_ve_sdr_39_marks
  7. True, I have to change the world opinion into ''way'', maybe it would be better
  8. That's true no doubt, but now one other issue is coming out, what about cards that are able to run only few GT, and not all due to "hardware limitations". These scores are allowed it runed at defaults quality settings but not default benchmark settings as one or two tests has been skipped due to hardware limitation
  9. So Thor's opinion is to keep everything unchanged ( choice n°3 ) or remove ''3D tab'' for ''Hardware limited'' cards ( choice n°1 ) and of course keep ''2D tab''
  10. unigine is part of the ALL, :D, ok you win this round, but that cant be consider here because 3DMark01 is the first BenchMark and these card we are talking about are too old so then can only run the first benchmark of the website which is 3DMark01. Maybe before 2001 they were other benchmarks that these cads were able to run at default settings, I am too young to know, but if yes, so they also can run all anterior benchmarks. Like you said for unigine and DX9.
  11. If we consider Unigine as a DX11 Benchmark ( Which it is), yes they are limited
  12. Of cours they can be here for 2D(CPU) scores but as we can submite with them for 3D, there is nowhere where it is said "Do not submite 3D scores with this card because it cannot run default settings". And as we want to overclock, and as they can run 3DMark01 (even if it's not at default setting ) I think you've already done that with Unigine Benchmark ( default settings is DX11, and you allowed DX9 card to run it (in a differente cathegory BTW). I know it's a bad exemple but it's the same. Why are you allowing DX9 card to continue living, and not "Hardware limited" cards ?
  13. No link. ( if I wanted to add the link, I would have had it to the thread ).
  14. I will create a list of cards with the "Hardware Limitation" names
  15. 3DMark01 default settings VS Hardware limitations As beacause of rules we can't submite scores with default settings, and scores (with for exemple Voodoo cards) are always moderated(Removed) and of course we want for the sake of OverClocking have best score with these vantage cards. I have opened this thread to think about it. What happen, One of my first submission on HWBot was with a 3dfx Voodoo3 2000 PCI card ( I was too young to see it wasn't default settings ) so it has been removed, OK nothing bad it's rules, but why are these card on the website ? for 2d ranking Today I have seen a submission with a IGP that doesn't support 32Bit( so running 16bit) submited by a moderator. there is something weird here !!!! Why moderators are removing our submission and after that they are submitting themself ???!!! Something has to be done here ! There is three choices : ( that I have found of course ) 1- Remove cards that cannot run default settings ( that's the easy way ) 2- Create rules for each old cards ( that are hardware limited ) that will showed on the info page of the card that allows us to submite without running default settings. ( that's the hardest way and also " for the sake of OverClocking" way ) 3- Let cards on the website, let people submite scores and continue to reporte/moderate/remove them. ( will give more work to the moderators that have already got a lot of work to keep this website clean ) If the 2nd choice is choosen, we have to find a way to prove that the only setting changed is the one "hadware limited" one. Beacause on the score the only thing said is "not run at default setting", it is not written which one. Kind of hardware limitation (That I know) : 16Bit Z-Buffer EDIT : allowed by the rules Max resolution D3D T&L EDIT : allowed by the rules texture compression EDIT : Allowed by the rules Not enough memory the last one is very particular, we have to set specific rules for it like : If the bench cannot be run @ 1024x768x32 due to memory limitation, run it @ 800x600x16. Here we can see that some hardware limitations are allowed, why not the others ? Here we are on the forum, So of course we are here do think and discuss about. Want MM, RB, Moderators advices and also yours. PS : Wish my english is as good that you can understand, if there is something wrong or a word that has to be changed PM me and I will edit ASAP. Thx for your participation
  16. Ticket ID: 1019 Priority: Low Here is the CPU-Z link :\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1383313\r\nthx
  17. Ticket ID: 1018 Priority: Low Here is the CPU-Z link :\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1383281\r\nthx
  18. Ticket ID: 1017 Priority: Low Genuin Memory\r\nNoname\r\nNCP\r\nPQI\r\nSpectek\r\nPmi\r\nLegend Memory\r\nLei ( Legacy Electonics Inc )\r\nAta\r\nLGS\r\nGoldstar\r\nMemtech\r\nSEC\r\nM.Tech\r\n\r\n\r\nShould be added\r\nMore will come if I found some new one.\r\nPS :\r\nI am testing a lot of SDRam by now
  19. Ticket ID: 1016 Priority: High As they were ranked n°1, they deserve this achievement !?
  20. WTF Where did you see THAT ?
  21. yep, but all submissions with voodoo1,2,3 are always moderated. Me too I have got some voodoo cards. If you submite you get one gold an 2 pts, but rules are rules, cant submite if bench not at default setting. I have got about 10 cards that cant run default setting, and there aren't on the website.
  22. Ticket ID: 1013 Priority: Medium please add thx\r\nhttp://a.imageshack.us/img13/233/gabx2000.jpg
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