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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. also want to know tweaks to improve my scores
  2. Yea I also want to know cause I have scores like 11 Marks, and I am not in the way to archieve it.
  3. Ticket ID: 994 Priority: Medium http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1361183\r\nplease add
  4. Me too, I don't have money yet to buy high end solutions ( like R3E, i7 980X, GTX 480 ), but old high end solutions ( socket 7, TNT2, etc...) yes .
  5. , only for CPU-Z submissions, or an another cathegory should be added. ( like 1x, 2x, 3x, CPU for WPrime, add With and Without Turbo for CPU-Z )
  6. Yep, We can't say it is running at 3.4 Ghz if only one or two cores are really running at 3.4 and others at 2.8. So Turbo mode should be banned ( only for CPU-Z submissions ) :D:D
  7. Ticket ID: 993 Priority: Medium http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1359745\r\nplease add
  8. LOL, kay going to wait for it's back, thx MM ( Quick reply BTW)
  9. Ticket ID: 989 Priority: Medium http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1298215\r\n\r\nplease add
  10. Ranked n°1, Good Work
  11. Global Golden Cup Good job (with a laptop)(MM is back):D:D
  12. NO DON'T, Give it to me !! :D:D
  13. Want Andre Yang to keep his stuff for himself. Imagine if all Asus employee will have an acount on HWBot and then going to bench with the same golden CPU, using a R3E ( not obliged the same ) and GTX(s) 480(s) that can hit 1300 Mhz. On the top 10 of Overclocker Ligue, they are going to be only Asus Members
  14. I DON'T DESERVE THE 8GHZ ACHIEVMENT. I was uploading a CPUZ score for the pentium MMX 166 ( 262 Mhz ) and a was also editting one of my submission at the same time : Aquamark 9600 Pro : 39409Marks, and then, What happen : It was no more a result for Aquamark but for CPUZ : 39409Mhz. It's not the firts time it happened last time was between WPrime 1024 and WPrime 32. So I don't deserve this achievment, please delete.
  15. The problem is that your submission is ranked 10th of 10, and it should be ranked 5th of 5. Even after recalculation, it has changed nothing, has to be fixed by a moderator
  16. It seems has been blocked, cause it has got no ranking. Strange there is no report in the modifiacation log tab.
  17. also the 2 pts BTW
  18. It's OK now, you've got your gold cup back
  19. Ticket ID: 982 Priority: High Please add them
  20. the award for the donation, you will receive it into 1 year, beacause the archievement is : quote : "make a donation in the PAST year". For the 8Ghz achievement there are also 10 other guys that have it and do not have any 8ghz submissions
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